Andrew and I had an afternoon together. He was being a little imp per usual. We were playing with a big fleece blanket on the couch and it was making his hair stick up all crazy. To get this shot I had to hold up the fleece blanket over his head in one hand and then shoot the photo with another. Let’s just say that this wasn’t the first one. He’s a very fast kid who won’t look at you when you want him to, when you ask him to and even when you beg him to.
Tag Archives: Static
Review: Fairy Tales Hair Care

Both of our children were born with full heads of hair. We let Eva’s hair grow and grow and grow some more. Her hair was at one point all the way down to her tush. She had very long hair. At her most recent haircut she had five inches cut off and still she had very, very long hair. Her long hair is very beautiful but maintaining it is not a picnic. There is the washing, drying and then the combing and the tears. Tears from Eva because I inevitably pull her hair and it hurts. And my tears of frustration over accidentally hurting my little girl.
We’ve tried detanglers and those cutesy kids shampoos with conditioners in them but they don’t work very well and combing is still a real pain in the neck. I still had a difficult time combing Eva’s hair and once it was done and she slept on it I had trouble again in the morning, which is no fun before school. Plus now it is Winter and static becomes an issue. Eva’s hair sometimes looks like she rubbed a balloon on it and held it over her head to pull the hair up. It is crazy.

For the past month we’ve been trying out Fairy Tales Hair Care products and the change has been dramatic. I noticed after the first time I used the products that tubby time and the hair combing afterwards went so much smoother. I know that when I comb Eva’s hair now after the tub she won’t cry from me pulling on tangles. I know that if I run into some tangles I can use the Fairy Tales Static Free Leave-in Detangling Spray and the comb will go through her hair smoothly. I also know that in the morning her hair will not be all frizzed out by static.
The products that we received to demo and review were:
- Tear Free Conditioning Shampoo 12 oz
– Restores shine and texture with Vitamins E and B. - Detangling Conditioner 12 oz
– Infused with extracts of rosemary, aloe vera, cherry bark and chamomile. - Static Free Leave-in Detangling Spray, 12 oz
– Rehydrates the scalp and enhances luster with aloe, rose hips, sage and Vitamin B.
The total retail value of this set of products is $27 and to me that is worth it to avoid the crying and pain that we used to have with cheap cutesy, kiddie products that smelled awful and didn’t do a very good job. Now we have a nice, natural solution that smells great and works wonders. You can learn more about these Fairy Tales Hair Care products at
If you are interested in purchasing these products you can get a discount coupon by liking the Fairy Tales Hair Care Facebook page ( On that page they are also running a contest. The “OH NO, I HAVE LICE?!?” Photo Contest invites parents to snap and post a quick picture of their child(ren) doing his/her best reaction to finding out he or she has lice. The funniest photo will win a $50 Visa Gift Card and a Rosemary Repel 5 pack, plus all entries will receive a 20% coupon code upon submission! Simply like Fairy Tales Hair Care on Facebook to post your picture! The contest will run until February 29.
Disclosure: We were provided with the products free of charge. I have been the primary tubby time caregiver with Eva since she was born in an effort to better bond as a Dad (we read that somewhere in a magazine or a book) and so I know Eva’s hair, I’ve washed it many, many times. Opinions of the products and of how well they worked on Eva are 100% my own.