Tag Archives: Stickers

A Half Hour of Entertainment for $1.00

Photo-A-Day #3631

A couple of weeks ago Andrew and I went to Michael’s and picked up a few things. One of those things was a sticker book for one dollar. The book had 6 pages of stickers and there were 3 different page designs. We took out three pages and started putting them on a sheet of paper. The process of taking off all of the stickers and placing them on the paper took some time which was good. I was trying to keep Andrew entertained and away from the TV for a while. I also didn’t want to create a great big mess either. Stickers on paper and also some little drawings by me made for a fun activity for the two of us.

Review: Peaceable Kingdom – Glow-In-The-Dark Glowing Fairies Poster

Glow-In-The-Dark Glowing Fairies
Glow-In-The-Dark Glowing Fairies – It’s dusk: the magical time when fairies dance and play in the forest! Use the glow-in-the-dark stickers in the forest poster scene, then turn off the lights and watch the fairies fly. Each book comes with a 16 3/8” x 32” poster and 70 glow stickers.

We received a Peaceable Kingdom Glow-In-The-Dark Glowing Fairies Poster to check out and review. The set contains 70 different stickers and each one glows in the dark. I removed the poster from the inside of the book cover and also removed the two sticker sheets to give to Eva. She was very excited to do this project with me because Fairies are still big in her world. Continue reading Review: Peaceable Kingdom – Glow-In-The-Dark Glowing Fairies Poster