Tag Archives: Triboro Youth Theater

Our Star of NUTS

Photo-A-Day #3508

Today was Eva’s play. She was in the Triboro Youth Theater production of NUTS. This was her second production with the TYT. This time around Eva had two lines and she was thrilled as well as nervous about that. For the weeks of rehearsals we would go over her lines again and again and she knew them cold. We talked about how to add some feeling to the delivery of her lines so that they weren’t stiff. Our practicing paid off because she did such an excellent job. She didn’t rush her lines, fumble, mumble or stumble over them and she didn’t leave the microphone int he middle of delivering her lines. We are so proud of her.

Stage Time

Photo-A-Day #3263

Today Eva was in her first play with the Triboro Youth Theater. The play was called Get Hoppin’ and she was a robin. She has enjoyed being a part of the cast for the past few months. A couple of mornings each week Eva and I would listen to the music CD on the way to school. We would sing together and get her ready for the play.

I worked last night so I tried to get a little sleep before the play. The play was at 11am and so I set two alarms. One for 10:15am and another for 10:20am. Both had loud music alarms. I slept right through both of them and 4 texts from Allison. Allison called me at 10:50am and I finally woke up, sprinted out of bed and got over in time to see the show. Next time, I don’t wear the earplugs. Continue reading Stage Time