Photo-A-Day #3325
I snapped this cute photo of Andrew posing with his Daniel Tiger Trolley that I got from the PBS Annual Meeting. Andrew was super excited to play with this toy. I asked him to hold it out in front of himself so I could take a photo but he does not stay still so I just keep snapping while he moved wildly. I just love the little impish expression on his face because he knows he is not doing what I asked and he’s also very happy to be playing with this toy.
I spent most of the day sleeping because of the late night/early morning return home from the PBS Annual Meeting. I did get to play with my newest camera from the Samsung Imagelogger program. I received an NXMini on Tuesday while I was away in California. I was very excited to finally use it.

Photo-A-Day #3324
How very fitting that one toy that we took away from the PBS Annual Meeting was that of Daniel Tiger’s Trolley. When I saw these Trolley Towers I was so excited because I know it will be something that Andrew will love. For the better part of 2013-2014 we had Daniel Tiger early morning marathons. Luckily it is a good show.
This was a short day at the actual meeting but it was jam packed with previews of upcoming specials and a very special Q&A session with Ken Burns. I cannot even comprehend how he does all that he does in the world of documentaries. Incredible. He did a fantastic Q&A and then it was time for me to catch my ride to the airport to go home.
The PBS Annual Meeting was over much too soon. The trip there and back much too long. I got home by 2 am and then I woke Andrew up. Very little sleep was had by all the rest of the night.
One Family's Adventures in the World