Tag Archives: Twitter

Personalize Your Twitter Profile

As twitter grows more and more popular it is important that you brand yourself and quick. I myself have been using twitter for quite a while and yet only today did I make myself a twitter background.

One thing to take into consideration when making a twitter background is that the background is static while twitter itself is fluid. What that means is that you may create a wonderful background for your giant monitor but to the average person on their 15″ or 17″ monitor might not be able to see your hard work. On an 800 X 600 screen you aren’t going to see anything in the background. I worked off a 1024 X 768 screen. This is about the smallest possible size to use where you start to see the background and you should use it as your starting point. This means that you have a small size to effectively work with. And to make matters more challenging you only have 1004 X 512 or so to work with, so you better make it count.

My Twitter Background @1024 X 768

I have noticed that many big name bloggers (tedmurphy, Chrisbrogan, and Jim Kukral) have some great background but at larger sizes. While these backgrounds are really slick they do lose something in translation when an average user has a smaller screen. One thing I learned as a web designer is design for the lowest common denominator. That means make your background something everyone can see. (Jim Kukral’s comes closest to this size).

Do you have a Twitter Background? Do you need a template? Should I make one available?

By the way, what about the people who have the bigger screens? You also need to have something for them too. So I made one that is 2048 X 800, which when scales down to 1004 X 512 shows exactly what I want it to show.

My Full Twitter Background

If you aren’t already following me on Twitter go check out my background in action and please follow me too.

Raw Dogs

Raw Dogs
Photo-A-Day #1370


Okay, compare these two photos. Do you know what the major difference between the two photos? Raw. My first shot ever with my Nikon D80 was in Raw and I switched to jpeg format. For some reason today I decided to have the camera shoot JPEG and RAW while I monkeyed around at the house.

I had never even done any post processing with Raw before and had no program set to open a RAW file. But I had the computer pic Adobe PhotoShop Elements 6.0 and it opened right up and there was this whole new set of options I could use to determine how my photo would look. Needless to say I was incredibly impressed. I think that I should be shooting Raw from now on. Why I didn’t before I have no clue.

Now that I am shooting raw I am going to have to get another External Drive. Luckily I know that Robert Scoble is giving away a free SeaGate FreeAgent|Theater HD device at CES tomorrow morning. Here is how you win.

Be one of the first 10 people to meet me at the Seagate meeting room on Thursday, January 8, 2009 at 1 p.m. PT. Bring a business card or contact info so we know where to ship your prize. You must be a member of Twitter or friendfeed.

And Here is How I win.

Be the one to tell the winner about the contest. “Huh?” Well, if you retweet my Twitter message and the person who shows up tomorrow says that they learned about the contest from you, you win the device too.

So if you are going to CES tomorrow tell Scoble you learned about the contest form me, send me a direct tweet and I’ll get you the vital info Scoble needs to send me my prize. And I am on Twitter and FriendFeed.

Another Contest that I know of that is quite cool is through JoeTech.com. Joe of JoeTech.com is a whiz at fixing Apple products. I had a broken Ipod Shuffle. I sent it to Joe and said that if he could fix it he could offer it up as a prize in a contest. He fixed it in nothing flat and the contest opened today.3177600252_f8717365ce

How to enter
This is simple, really. All you have to do for an entry is subscribe to BenSpark.com via email or subscribe to JoeTech.com via email. If you’re already subscribed via email you don’t have to do anything. On Wed., January 14, 2009, I will combine my list of email subscribers with those from BenSpark.com and draw a winner randomly. Remember… If you’re subscribed to both blogs, you get two entries.

And one more thought on contests. I am so thrilled with your responses to the contest I started today with TenBills.com. Keep the entries coming there are many T-Shirts to give away!