Tag Archives: Video

Dads in Social Media – The Panel that Rocked #EvoConf

Okay, I might be overstating it a bit but I can assure you that no other panel had flying, screaming monkeys…

I set up my KodakPlaySport Camera at the front of the room to record our session. I then broke the session into 15 minute or so slots. The entire session did not record because I ran out of space (I was using too small an SD card) but what I taped ended up coming out really nice. I had a heck of a lot of fun with these guys and am really happy that I said yes to being on the panel. Here are the three videos that make up our session.

Part 1

See what I mean! Flying, Screaming Monkeys. I meant that literally. Now for Part 2.

I think I had something in my eye in that last section. Now for Part 3

So that is it. I apologize for not getting the whole thing on video. Only those who attended our session truly got the full experience of ducking out of the way of monkeys, laughing with us, crying with us (okay so maybe I was the only one who cried) and enjoying our antics and maybe even finding a little inspiration along the way.

Being a part of this panel was one of my favorite experiences at Evo Conference. Meeting Adam Cohen (@dadarockshttp://dadarocks.com/), Troy Pattee (@TroyPattee, @dadventuroushttp://www.dadventurous.com/) and seeing Greg Zellers (@TellingDadhttp://www.tellingdad.com/) again was awesome. I’d certainly love to work with them all again.