Tag Archives: Voltron

In Days of Old

In Days of Old - Voltron
Photo-A-Day 2.0 – #00006

I’ve had my old toys on my brain lately. My friend Becky asked me if I was going to start making some videos of my old toys and I will, just not that soon. A few things have to happen before I go and get my old toys and bring them to my house. There is the matter about a place to store them. Right now, we don’t have any place to store them because we haven’t done the attic yet. The attic needs to be made ready for insulation. Adding many boxes of toys to the attic at this point will not help get the insulation job done any faster.

Once I do get my old toys back here I’m going to have to go through them and when I do there will be more videos made with them.

The Voltron Season 8 Final Season Final Trailer Plus My Trailer Reaction!!


This is the end. I cannot believe that Voltron: Legendary Defender is already finishing its run. It has been a fantastic fun and something very important to me. I loved this series from the jump. So much of that had to do with being part of the Netflix Stream Team at the time and having Netflix send me to DreamWorks Animation Studios in LA to spend the day with Team Voltron and see the first two episodes of the series and meet so many people from the cast. That was a once in a lifetime trip and it was incredible. After that I watched anything and everything to do with Voltron. That includes all seven of the previous seasons. Now we are in Season 8, the final season. Or we will be on December 14th when it drops the last 13 episodes ever on Netflix. You can see the trailer below.

You can also see my Reaction to that final trailer here.

I am interested to see how the series ends. How everything will wrap up. will we leave room for a continuation with a new team? Will everything be sewn up nicely. Will anyone die? What will happen? I do not know, but I am excited, nervous and happy to take this final ride. More information on the final season below. Continue reading The Voltron Season 8 Final Season Final Trailer Plus My Trailer Reaction!!