Tag Archives: Website

Website: Killer Startups

FuelMyBlog has just been listed on Killer Startups. The site highlights new and exciting companies that have started on the Internet. It is a whole Web 2.0 thing. And you can vote on what companies have the killer apps.

Fuel My Blog is something I am partial to because I am a moderator on the forums but it has meant more to me than that. I signed up soon after they started and I have been forming a friendship with Kevin Dixie, the founder and his wife Sylvie. They are good people and they started FuelMyBlog as a way to discover new and exciting blogs to read. They simple act blossomed into FuelMyBlog. If you are not listed there then what are you waiting for.

I know this post is supposed to be about Killer Startups and it will be after I say a couple more things about FuelMyBlog. There are two competitions going on right now. One is a photography contest and the other is a widget design contest. Anyone listed on FuelMyBlog can enter and the prizes are really great.

Okay back to KillerStartups.com. Here is what Killer Startups says about themselves.

KillerStartups.com is a user driven internet startups community. Entrepreneurs, investors, and bloggers are staying informed on up-and-coming internet startups using our blog platform, where internet entrepreneurs submit their startup to see what others think about it.

Our vision:
“Tapping the wisdom of crowds to find the next internet big thing.”
We deeply believe in the power of crowds, and we want to put it to good use by detecting in an early stage what’s going to be big.

And what does that mean to your the average blogger. It means that you can search through their reviews of startups and be ahead of the curve on the killer applications that are on the web, you can also submit one of your favorite startups for review. You can also vote for your favorite startup on this site and help to gain more exposure for those companies that you enjoy working with.

Take a look at Killer Startups and you will find over 300 companies with very interesting applications and opportunities for you the blogger.

I submitted my first Killer Startup today. I submitted PayPerPost because they were not listed. I could hardly believe it myself. Vote for PayPerPost.