Tag Archives: Widget

Widget: Twitbin

I installed Twitbin as an add on for FireFox. So far I don’t like it very much, the refreshing is really slow even though you can set the refresh rate to be faster. However setting it to be faster doesn’t do much of anything. I do like being able to see the twits on the side of my browser, that is pretty decent, however if you want to respond to a particular person you have to go to the full on twitter page to do so.

Try it out for yourself. Go to http://twitbin.com/

Widget: My Favatar

You may have noticed that there is now a little icon that appears in the address bar and on the FireFox tabs when you visit any of my blogs. That is called a Favicon and I learned how to make one through information I gathered on Quirky Jessi and Blogger Tips and Tricks. They have some good posts about adding a favicon. Eventually I was lead to MyFavatar and there I set up my own Favicon and added it to each of my blogs in less than 3 minutes. It is that easy.

Go get your own Favicon from MyFavatar.com.