I was given the opportunity to test out a learning and play kit from WonderMind Kids. This was the Preschool kit and it was the perfect age appropriateness for Eva. I was asked if I’d like to review this product a little bit before the start of the school year. With Eva starting a Pre-K class this year and with more emphasis on learning I knew it would be something to help her get in the frame of mind for her new class. The lessons in the program were fun and quick and ranged from sea creatures to baking to telling time. Continue reading Review-Giveaway: WonderMind Multi-Sensory Learning Kit – Preschool Kit →

Photo-A-Day #2698
First day after a work weekend in a while when I actually got to sleep before facing the day. I got up and played with the kids so that Allison could get a little sleep because Andrew had no desire to sleep in his own bed last night. I have no idea how people actually do co-sleeping with little crazy strong whirling dervishes that stretch out 3 times their regular size. So Eva and I worked on a review product that I got in the mail called WonderMind Kids. This is an educational program tailored to kids Eva’s age. They even have programs starting for kids as young as 1 year old. I’ll do a full write up of the program soon. Part of the program is a toy that helps Eva learn to tell time. She loves that thing already. Wanted to take it shopping with us. Continue reading Wonder Time with the Kids →
One Family's Adventures in the World