Photo-A-Day #4513
Today was Andrew’s first day of zoo camp. I have been awaiting this day for a long time. This is the first time that Andrew gets his own trip to a camp. He’s watched Eva attend these things for the past few years and I know that he has wanted his moment. Today he got his moment and he was incredibly excited to go to camp. He put on his backpack, which is still over-sized for his little frame. He ran most of the way over to the zoo, too. He’d run along a little bit and then stop and turn to us urging us to hurry up. He could not wait.
When we got there we arrived at the same time as a girl from Andrew’s school, the new one he will be attending this year, not his old school. She also does karate. They said hello and we signed Andrew in. then he took her hand and they walked into the camp.
We went home, the first time leaving him at a day long event. I still had to get some sleep but Allison was going out tonight so we weren’t going to be able to watch Game of Thrones together tonight. So, we told Eva to work on some project downstairs while we watched Game of thrones before I passed out. It was amazing and after it was over I passed out, HARD. I slept right through today’s eclipse. When I woke up I learned that Eva and Allison made a special eclipse viewing box and they got to see the eclipse. Eva was quite excited about it.
At dinner Andrew told us about his day and he was quite excited about it. He spent most of the day with the little girl that he walked in with hand in hand. He was so happy to spend time with her and he even drew a picture of the two of them together.