I have about 14,000 photos of Eva from her 1st year of life. How many do you think are hanging up around the house? There is one and that is a sketch of a photo that Allison gave me. But as far as photos I have taken, they are not anywhere hanging on the walls. That was the mission today, get some photos on the walls. We have a ton of frames that we got from the wedding and when Eva was born. We have tons of empty wall space too. So we decided that today we’d get this project off the ground.
Pitfall #1 – There are too many things that we want to get done at once. In addition to putting up the photos we were also going to make a photo book because we had one free from snapfish. That has to be done by midnight. We found over 200 photos form the past year that we’d love to have in that book. Between Allison and I we combed through all the photos this past year to select the ones we wanted, then I edited them (mostly for Red Eye) and uploaded them. Now Allison is making the book. And this pitfall had nothing to do with getting photos on the wall.
Pitfall #2 – We print our own photos on photo paper and guess what? We ran out of ink. This did give me an excuse to try out Cartridge World, a discount ink store that recycles ink cartridges. I got a black and a color cartridge for under $20 total, that was great. They took a bunch of my old cartridges and gave me a little bit for each one plus there was a coupon so it all worked out pretty well. The photos I printed out with the new color cartridge were very nice too.
Pitfall #3 – No picture hangers. Because there were no hangers I went out to pick some up, I got some from a local place called Benny’s and while I was there I took care of a task 6 years in the making. I finally got Allison her own garage key. A small thing but very very overdue. As far as the hangers I picked up some Hercules Hooks (by my man Billy Mays, the Oxiclean and Big City Sliders Guy).
Pitfall #4 – There was a craft fair at the High School so we went over to get out of the house for a bit. It did give Eva a wider area to walk around. She was walking really well all on her own. She still has the stiff legged mummy walk but she is getting better and better every day.
So, did we get anything hung on the walls? No. But we did even up getting some other things done and we should be all ready to hang up the photos tomorrow. Maybe.
With as many photos you take, you should have a whole wall full of frames, it’s quite the feature. In fact if I didn’t have cinderblock walls, I’d have a picture wall too, not all my own photos though.
Chica, You would think that but it is not the case. We’ve got to remedy that. Nothing that can hang on cinder blocks? I’d figure that there must be something to help with that.
I hear you are going to become a cobbler congratultions it is a nobel trade surrounded by magic and mystery.
Yes, it is a magical mystery that I hope one day to pass on to my children. Now look into this soul stealing device and say Cheese.
This post inspired me and I got a bunch of photos developed so I can have them at work and use up the bazillion frames I’ve been hoarding for years!! Thanks!!
Mos last blog post..Win a Bathtub Full of Cereal!
That is so cool. I hardly ever even print the pictures out so this was a big step. It really makes our living room look nice.
Go on to your local Freecycle.Org site and post a wanted for frames.You have to watch you email and I set up an email just for Freecycle because people respond very quick to the “good” stuff.
lennys last blog post..Back to the Beginning AKA the original reason why I started this BLOG
I certainly do not need frames. We have a ton of them. A Ton.
I know how you feel, I have taken about 12,000 since purchasing my first DSLR about 18 months ago…how many have been printed? Probably 5.
It’s a bit tragic…that’s going to be one of my new years resolutions for 2009, show my work to the world…even if they dont like it
Jasons last blog post..How To: Properly Exit An Airplane Seat
I have very few printed photos because I don’t like clutter and like to watch my stuff online but my wife wants to have pictures all over.