Photo-A-Day #4608
We started our day on Cape Cod. We went to see the movie, Coco with my parents. They brought us to the movie at the Cinema Pub at the Falmouth Mall. Andrew has been waiting for this movie to be released. He’s been very excited about it because it came out on his birthday. Every time there was a commercial for the movie Andrew would tell us about it. He could not wait to see it. I was excited to see it as well. The movie turned out to be one of the best Pixar movies that I have ever seen. It was so full of heart and emotion. The whole table teared up a bit. There was a moment that was a bit scary and Andrew got out of his seat to sit with Allison. I think they both enjoyed that for a little cuddle time, especially when the movie culminated in some major emotional moments.
We had lunch with Mom and Dad and then headed for home. The kids talked about where Fitzy would be when they returned home. The kids look forward to the return of Fitzy every day after Thanksgiving. That has been the tradition in our house ever since Fitzy the Elf on the Shelf came to live with us. The kids were so excited that they rushed right into the house to find Fitzy. The freaked out when they saw him so they made sure that both Allison and I went to see him, too.
We also watched An Elf Story for the first time this season. One of many times, I imagine.