Photo-A-Day #3967
Today was the last day of Dad 2.0 Summit. It was one incredible experience. I got to see so many of my old friends, some even appear in today’s vlog, and make some new ones. I was incredibly lucky all around. From winning a Miller Grant, to rooming with the generous and cool Dave Taylor, to winning a major gift card from Dove Men+Care and to go to a great YouTube event at Blue Jacket Brewery. Yes, it was a simply incredible day with a fantastic group of men and women. I waited way too long to attend but glad that I finally went. I’m all ready to go next year to San Diego. It is going to be incredible.
I did not know Oren Miller. I had heard the name when he passed. I learned of him and this weekend learned more of his legacy through his wife, his friends and this community. He is someone that I wish I had met. I understand why the scholarship fund was named for him. I am so incredibly lucky to receive one of these grants. It helped me big time for my being able to come to this event. It also hooked me in to going back to other Dad 2.0 Summits in the future. The other thing that makes me extremely lucky was that I won a $500 gift card from Dove Men+Care, the title sponsor for Dad 2.0. I tweeted many times for the sweepstakes and was amazed when I learned that I had won. So, my saving for Dad 2.0 Summit 2017 is $500 closer. Which is good because I can’t take the train to this one, it is in San Diego, CA.
I was also very lucky to room with Dave Taylor. Long ago he posted in the Dad 2.0 Group asking for a guy who doesn’t snore. Well, I don’t believe that I snore but Allison certainly thinks that I do. I was a bit nervous that I would be snoring away and keeping Dave up all night long. But it was all good. We both slept, worked and talked. He was so generous and I cannot thank him enough.
I also ended the day with a trip to Blue Jacket Brewery with YouTube Kids. My friend Leticia invited me to this event which was a lot of fun. Some great beers, food and time to hang out with friends new and old. Speaking of friends new and old take a look at Today’s vlog.