Photo-A-Day #4733
We received some Whiffer Sniffers for free to unbox and review. Opinions are our own.The Whiffer Sniffers Line continues to grow and expand. This newest series, Series 6, includes some fun characters including an Easter themed character named Willy Hyde. He looks like an Easter Egg and smells of Easter Candy. Other fun characters are Chill Bill, Danny Dipperelli, Waffle Aaron and Ima Bubblepopper. For only $6.99 you can get one of these characters to clip on your backpack and the cent lasts all year long. These are collectible characters and there is a new feature called the Sniffer Switch versions. In a switch version a subtle change occurs. For example Shirley Cone (available in mid-April) arrives with pink and blue sprinkles. Her Sniffer Switch version boasts purple ones! The change is subtle but kids enjoy collecting these plush pals, as they randomly appear in stores coast to coast. In fact, Grandma may be enlisted to hunt for a particular Whiffer Sniffer in her hometown specialty store!
The kids unbox a whole bunch of these cute characters in their latest video and then below that I’m going to give away a set of three randomly selected Whiffer Sniffers to a one of my US based readers.
Enter for a chance at 3 Series 6 Whiffer Sniffers below.
The conversation always does come around to waffles
I had them for breakfast!
My favorite smell is popcorn or baby powder. Not together though. Ew.
Anything baked goods related like warm chocolate chip cookies, or cinnamon buns
Lavender is my favorite smell.
Vanilla is my favorite.
I like the smell of baked goods like chocolate chip cookies or cake.
favorite smell is strawberries
My favorite is cinnamon roll.
I love the smell of hyacinth
I’m a sucker for jasmine! Blueberry muffins are a close second.
Cinnamon is my favorite scent.
I’m weird lol but my favorite smell is suateed peppers and onions. So delicious.
My favorite scent is Paradise Punch
I love blueberry muffins! I really want the blueberry muffin Whiffer Sniffer, Missy Muffintop!
My favorite smell is vanilla.
Warm cookies or pies.
I like strawberry
My favorite is cinnamon roll.
I love rose for flowery smells. Watermelon is my favorite fruity smell. Clove is my favorite candy smell. Bacon is my favorite food smell.
The smell of fresh baked cookies
Sandalwood or Jasmine is mine
My daughter would love these
Cinnamon. Love that scent.
Love rose scent
i love vanilla or cinnamon smell! Thank you
I love strawberry