FuelMyBlog, my favorite online community, is creating book and you can be part of it. the book is called “The Human behind the Avatar“. This fits very well into the mission and theme of FuelMyBlog. Here’s a little history of FuelMyBlog. I feel I can tell it because I was around soon after it came into being and have written about ti many times, I’ve met Kevin, Ian, and Marcus and I write for the FuelMyBlog Blog.
FuelMyBlog is a site for bloggers, new bloggers and old bloggers and everyone in between. The main thing behind FuelMyBlog is the people, Kevin Dixie and his wife Sylvie started FuelMyBlog so they would have one easy place to go to read all the blogs that they liked and to discover new ones. In the time since it was created FuelMyBlog has had many incarnations. It started as a large page of avatars that were clickable. You could click the avatar and “Fuel it” to give it votes and you could also visit the blog of the user behind the avatar. I started getting some decent traffic from FuelMyBlog and wanted to know more about it so I began writing to Kevin and we became friendly. Which if you know Kevin, that is the intention for reading your blog, he wants to make a personal connection because he cares. Both Kevin and Sylvie go through each blog submission to FuelMyBlog to make sure that the blog is a real one, not a splog, no porn and not just a rehash of someone else’s work.
FuelMyBlog has had a couple major overhauls and right now is working great, there are quite a few categories, users can add other users to their FuelRoll. This is a list of the blogs that the user reads and considers the writers of those blogs as friends. You can see it on the right hand side of my blog. That idea of showcasing your friends on fuel came out of an online discussion I had with Kevin about what I thought FuelMyBlog to be and I guess he agreed with me.
Now FuelMyBlog is working on something new. It is a book project called The Human Behind the Avatar, recognizing that each blog is written by a living breathing person and not just an anonymous avatar. Each member of Fuel is encouraged to print out their avatar and take a picture of themselves with their avatar in front of them. Many people have chosen to put it in front of their face. I printed out the Avatar for both me and Allison and we’ll be taking our photos later today and adding them to the project. They will appear in this slideshow below.
The proceeds from the purchase of the book are going to Doctor’s without Borders. FuelMyBlog is an international blogging community and what better organization than an international one that can benefit so many.
so, if you are a member of FuelMyBlog then print out your avatar and submit your write up to the project. If you are not a member of FuelMyBlog, why not? Sign up today.
Hey Drew, I stopped by to get your email address but couldn’t find it! Just as well, because I spent time reading your bio and a few posts
I love the idea of being part of the fuel my blog book but just haven’t got around to printing a picture… now you’ve inspired me – the slide show is great!
Send me your email please – heathermarysmith at shaw dot ca
Hi heather,
I sent you an e-mail but this one should have my address on it as well. It is part of the comment e-mail responder plug in for wordpress. Thanks for reading so much of my blog.
hi, hoping your family always great

Thanks very much. I hope that you are doing well also.