Photo-A-Day #4482
I am so excited about this. I received an email asking me if I would like to host a giveaway for a Walmart Exclusive Samurai Usagi figure with Samurai Horse, personally autographed by Stan Sakai. I was also told that I would be getting the whole set of Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles basic figures for “The Samurai” line. I received my package the other day and it was filled with so many great things including a Usagi comic book signed by Stan Sakai for me to keep. I was thrilled by the whole package and am excited for one of my readers to win the special prize package. So, this review/giveaway is sponsored by Playmates Toys and opinions of the toys are 100% my own.
I received two Usagi figures, one in his Samurai armor and one in his signature blue clothes. I also received all four turtles and a giant sized Usagi figure. Each of the basic figures retails for $8.99. The figures come with special weapons and Samurai Armor including a dragon face-plate for the helmet. These guys look so badass in their samurai gear. I have seen a few sneaks of the special episode that will air this Sunday and the toys look like they jumped right off the screen. The detail in each toy is spectacular. The characters can pose and fight and move really well. The new weapons look great, too.
Enter the giveaway after below the video.
Before I get to the giveaway I have to tell this story.
Yesterday I received a big box of Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles toys from Playmates Toys that were part of the Samurai line to go along with the three episode story arc where the current Turtles meet Usagi Yojimbo the Samurai rabbit. I was rushing around and snapped a pic of all the toys and comic book and rushed off to get Allison’s car and then film Built from Bricks with Brian.
After filming Built From Bricks I stopped off at Wild Time Comics to pick up my subscriptions. While I was looking for an additional book I told Randy about a special giveaway that I am doing for a Walmart Exclusive Samurai Usagi figure with Samurai Horse, personally autographed by Stan Sakai, creator of the Usagi Yojimbo comic book character, to giveaway to a reader.
(Stan Sakai also signed a Usagi Comic Book, for me.)
That last point is significant.
As I was looking around Randy took out the small white card in the picture. That is a signed card that Randy got from Stan after he had written about Stan in the past. Randy had actually gotten a bunch of signed items from Stan and so he gave me this cool card with Stan’s signature.
Then I went home and went to show Eva the signature card because it was so cool. I also had the comic book with me to show her Stan’s work. It was then that I realized that the comic book was also signed. I was so excited to realized this. I had been too wrapped up in running around that I missed the signature at first. I’m glad I noticed it. I read the comic last night and want to read so many more. The comic has been running with Stan at the helm for over 30 years! Wow!
Giveaway Entry.
Casey Jones always was an awesome ally and loved watching him tee off on some foot soldiers.
Zach The Fifth Turtle was always our favorite ally.
my little grandson loves the turtles he would love this,,dont think he has seen it yet so ill guess he would like Zach The Fifth Turtle
April O’Neil is my favorite ally.
Falcon swordsman he was an ally and an enemy
Casey Jones is cool and all, but it has to be Splinter. Without him there are no Ninja Turtles!
My favorite ally is Metalhead
My favorite ally of the TMNT would be Mondo Gecko. I always thought as a kid that he had a really cool look and fit in perfectly with the TMNT universe.