First day after a work weekend in a while when I actually got to sleep before facing the day. I got up and played with the kids so that Allison could get a little sleep because Andrew had no desire to sleep in his own bed last night. I have no idea how people actually do co-sleeping with little crazy strong whirling dervishes that stretch out 3 times their regular size. So Eva and I worked on a review product that I got in the mail called WonderMind Kids. This is an educational program tailored to kids Eva’s age. They even have programs starting for kids as young as 1 year old. I’ll do a full write up of the program soon. Part of the program is a toy that helps Eva learn to tell time. She loves that thing already. Wanted to take it shopping with us.
Another review that I’m doing soon is one for the new Bakerella Cake Pops, Ultimate Cake Pops Set. Tomorrow my sister Shelby is coming over to celebrate her birthday as well as make Cake Pops with Eva. So this afternoon Eva and I went out to get the ingredients. We are going to make some cupcake cake pops and that should be a lot of fun. Just check out the cool stuff we got (The set is a review product for a review another day.)

We also got a copy of Bakerella’s book Cake Pops in the mail today and looking through that book I am so excited about seeing what we can do to make some great cake pops too. I’m looking forward to taste testing this review product.
Does Eva know how lucky she is to have a dad that gets free toys in the mail? If you start working on it now by the time she is old enough to drive maybe you can get a free car to review? Don’t you think she should start blogging on her own?