A few weeks ago I attended a party at my friend Annie Stow’s House. She runs StowedStuff.com and occasionally has bloggers over to do fun things and meet fun companies to learn about their products. During this last party we learned about a new app called Woven.
I intalled the app onto my iPhone and also onto the HTC One X+ that I was using for the past couple of months. The app works on multiple platforms and there is even an uploader for iPhoto. But what does Woven actually do, you ask. Woven gathers all of your photos from your various social networks as well as from your computer and places them into the app so that you can always be able to access your photos at any time in the palm of your hand and you can also send those photos to your social networks like Facebook and Twitter (with more to come) or you can send to email or via text. Rather than searching in multiple places for your images you can find them all on the Woven app. It was very simple to sign up for and to connect my sources like Picasa, Instagram, Twitter, Facebook and more. Woven continues to find and connect other sources so that no matter where those photos of yours live online they can be added to the Woven app.

The app has a cool interface too. You can look at your thread, albums or all images. Looking at the Thread option you see some randomly selected photos from your history asking you “Do you remember this?”. The Albums feed shows all of your different albums from your Social media and if you have set up albums in iPhoto. You do have the ability to remove any of the albums that you’d like from your album stream, too. And then with the All feature you see a thread with all of your photos, every single one of them. I’ve connected most things and so my thread is showing over 12,000 images. I still need to get my iPhoto connected as well because there is at least 50,000 images there. Yikes. That is a lot of photos.
However, with Woven I’m able to access all of them in one place. I like the app so far and will probably use it after editing down which albums I want. Pictures that I post multiple places appear multiple times in the Albums tab but in the All tab they appear only once, which is good.