July Contest: Win an XShot from BenSpark


closedAnother month, another contest. This time around I am sponsoring a contest in cooperation with XShot. You could win a fantastic product called the XShot. This is a perfect accessory for your point and shoot digital camera.

I was contacted by Michael, co-founder of XShot about a month or so ago. He asked me if I would like a sample product to demo and review. I totally jumped at the chance because I take a Photo-A-Day and not many of them have me in the photo with my friends and family. I also travel all over the country and am by myself quite often so there is no one around to take a picture of me at fun place. So I told Michael, “Sure thing!”, and I received the XShot within a couple of days.

Once I got the XShot I immediately started playing with it. I took a couple of pictures with it for past Photo-A-Days.

Photo-A-Day #798 06/15/07
Playing with the XShot. I intentionally got the XShot in the picture.
Photo-A-Day #803 06/20/07
Used the XShot to get a different perspective.

I then took it out to get photos for different events that I have been to. I took it with me to the Double Midnight Comics 5th Birthday and Guys night with friends at Box Seats.

Photo-A-Day #806b 06/23/07
Allison and I with Spider-Man
Photo-A-Day #804 06/21/07
Hanging out with Neil and Derek

The XShot puts YOU into the photo, you can be part of the memories rather than just capturing them for everyone else. The 37″ reach is incredible and allows you to get 5 or more friends and family within the shot so easily. Also with the XShot you not only get a picture of yourself but also the background.

There are many things that I like about the XShot, for one thing it is small and light, it retracts down to 9″ and extends all the way out to 37″. That way you can get yourself and your friends and even the background into your photos. The XShot has a great Camera Adapter that makes securing your camera to the XShot so simple. This is one of the most well designed camera adapters out there. No need for coins or screwdrivers, you simple tighten a thumb screw and you are on your way. The handle has a comfortable non slip grip. There are so many places where the XShot would come in handy. And I like this product so much I wanted to offer a contest to my readers and well anyone out in the blogosphere.

So On to the Contest …

Who is eligible? – Anyone regardless of geographic location. I will be mailing the prize to you directly.

How do I enter? You have a choice in what type of photo to use for your entry.

Option #1 : A photograph taken of you and 4 friends or family (heck even strangers on the street) at arms length. You will find that trying to take a photo at arms length of yourself and 4 friends or family might be difficult. That is okay because I am looking for photos that aren’t that great, I mean how well can you fit 5 people into a photo at arms length, not very well. However, the XShot excels at helping you take photos with your friends and family.

Option #2 : A photograph of you and at least one other person and the background. Do you have any photos of missed opportunities and cool backgrounds that involved taking the photo of yourself and at least one other person and a great background. With the XShot you will be able to get great shots of yourself and friends and the background.

I took the XShot with me to BotCon 2007. I got many pictures there. Here are some examples of photos of myself and some volunteers at BotCon 2007 who took photos at arm’s length and then took photos with the XShot.

Taken without my XShot.
At Arm’s Length
BotCon 2007 Welcome
With the XShot
Prime Statue
At Arm’s Length
Prime Statue - XShot
With the XShot
Prime Rig - No XShot
At Arm’s Length
Prime Rig - XShot
With the XShot
Volunteers - No XShot
At Arm’s Length
Volunteers - XShot
With the XShot
Volunteers 2 - No XShot
At Arm’s Length
Volunteers 2 - XShot
With the XShot

Weren’t those pictures better with the XShot? Do you want one? Do you want to know how to get one? Keep reading….

The contest is over now, rules and instructions have been removed by blog administrator.

Great, Great, Fine, Fine What can I Win?

  • First place wins an XShot and a year’s Pro Subscription to Flickr
  • Second Place wins an XShot and a $5.00 credit to Kodak Gallery
  • Third Place wins and XShot
  • BenSpark’s Choice Winner gets – ???? A Surprise.

DisclaimerI received my XShot free from XShot. I use it and really like it. That is why I put together this contest. XShots were supplied by Michael at XShot and additional prizes will be supplied by me. I received no compensation for this contest other than an XShot of my own. The contest was my idea. If you are a winner of this contest you will need to supply me with your address so I can ship it to you. Addresses will be kept confidential and used for nothing more than to send you your winnings.

70 thoughts on “July Contest: Win an XShot from BenSpark”

  1. Cool contest. Maybe I will enter this one.

    Its Monday! I am making the rounds reminding people to Click & Comment on blogs today.

  2. That has to be one of the coolest things I’ve seen in a while. As the picture taker, I have very few pictures of me and my daughter but would love more. I’m going to enter for sure. Great contest!

  3. Hey There Cyber Celt, I think that this would be a good contest for you to participate in, it is easy and fun. I’ve got to get out and comment.

  4. Hi Raesmom, I certainly hope that you participate in this contest. It should be a fun one. Thanks for posting a comment.

  5. i’m going to try – i can’t promise anything because i leave this weekend and the room my computer is in is currently being occupied by guests. however, it sounds like an awesome way to procrastinate my packing!!

  6. Mo, this is right up your alley, I’m not taking any excuses this time. You can do this easily. I hope you participate.

  7. Hi Drew,

    Your pictures are impressive! We could use your equipment. My dear husband Mike is never in the pictures! It really is frustrating! I try to get the camera away from him so I can take pictures of him too, but that means we’re never together.

  8. Thanks Peggy, I hope that you participate in this contest, the XShot will certainly help you get Mike into the photos. Then you can have some together.

  9. Hi Drew! That is a neat gadget, and fun contest! We could have totally used one of those at the Star War exhibit last weekend!

  10. Laurie,
    I wouldn’t want that to happen to you again, I hope that you consider entering the contest.

  11. I’ll be entering this weekend. My grandkids will be here and I can get a picture with them. I just have to find one more person to get in the photo.. hubby won’t have his picture taken. lol

  12. I was so happy when you said take a photo of five people! I’ll try to squish all of us into one photo taken at arms length for the contest. Should be fun 🙂

  13. Skeet, you could go for option #2, There are plenty of beautiful backgrounds in Hawaii, show me that missed opportunity photo of a beautiful background that got cut off because the photo was at arms length.

  14. Hi Drew!

    Thanks for letting me know your wonderful contest. I will not be participating because I do not want my photo on the internet but I will give your contest a few buzzes!

    I will email you with the links soon!

  15. Cyberpartygal,

    That is quite alright, I appreciate that you will help build some buzz, that is really nice of you.

  16. Wow, I love that tool. We’re constantly bugging our friends to take pictures of, now we can actually get some real shots of ourselves that correctly showcase what we want. Those are real and not set up?

  17. Wow, what a neat gadget. I always figured there was a better way of taking self pics other than using a tripod, setting the timer and running to where you wanted a picture.

    Thanks for sharing, I’ll see if I can find some of my old “self shot” photo’s!


  18. Charlotte,
    That is a perfect entry to the contest. I will use the first image as your offical entry, that one truly demonstrates what an XShot can do for you. I love it. I tried to leave you a comment on the post but it got rejected twice. Anyway, glad you entered the contest and good luck.

  19. Thanks Kuayin, I hope that you offer an entry to the contest. There is one week left to get an entry in.

  20. OK we are up! It took awhile and it’s ugly but it’s done!

    We have entered your contest.
    Thank you because I need this!

  21. Hi Drew, since you invited me to join the contest. Well, I’ll take your offer. I have a shot done 15 years ago, arm length shot with I think 10 people inside the frame. wish me luck if I could find that particular photo. I used a film based camera then. But still I’ll browse my albums on some of our arm length shots with family and friends 🙂 I’ll buzz you when it’s up already in my blog.

  22. Hi maiylah, If you do end up having the time I’d love it if you entered. If not, keep looking for future contests. Thanks for stopping over and commenting.

  23. Hi marsha, Good entry into the contest. You completed it almost perfect, it is just missing the embedded video.

  24. Hi Ann, I am looking forward to the entry that you are going to submit. Sounds like a good one. Thanks for entering.

  25. Aw man, I was really hoping you’d put in an entry, it is a great gadget and would fit well with one of your blogs. Which I might add are very informative. Thanks for dropping in and commenting. Stephen really needs thumbs first.

  26. I love the photo and wish I could also include it. But out of fairness I must not. You did a great job on the photo and the post.

  27. I just ordered FIVE of these because of your review. It looks really awesome and I know people are going to love getting this as their Christmas present. I wish I had entered the contest, but c’est la vie!

  28. Wow that is awesome Alli, you didn’t by any chance leave a comment there to that same effect. I am sure that Michael from XShot would love to hear how you found out about the product. Wow that is awesome,5 of them. Great gifts for 5 lucky people.

  29. Hello Ben Spark!
    I love this blog, and I wanted to let you know about my new blog theNetFool.com. I focus on money making on the internet, broken down into stock market advice and get paid to website reviews and tips.

    We currently have a $10 contest running in our new forums, so make sure to check it out!


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