Sensei Got His Sword

Massive Sword
Photo-A-Day 2.0 #01947

The absolutely massive Ashbringer sword that I printed for my Sensei is finished, finally. This print took over a week to complete with the printer running nearly non stop. Luckily the files were good and nothing messed up while printing. It is nice when that happens. I took the whole sword and put it together with duct tape and then presented it to Sensei at class this morning. He was so excited. He’ll be fully assembling the piece.

Printing Something For Me

chain axe
Photo-A-Day 2.0 #01946

After about a week and a half of non stop printing of a sword for my Sensei I decided that I ould print something fun for myself. I’ve been wanting a double bladed battle axe for Comicons but I cannot find one that I really like. So, I found a file for a Warhammer Chain Axe (Axe + Chainsaw) that I am going to modify to make into a double bladed Chain Axe. It will take some time to manipulate the files but I think in the end it might be pretty amazing. It took the file and scaled it up to 150% of the size and then had to split the file to print it and this part here is going to take 36+ hours to print. It is going to be massive.