The 3D Printer is Fixed

some 3D Benchy prints
Photo-A-Day 2.0 #01969

I decided it was time to finally get that 3D printer fixed. I had watched a ton of videos on YouTube looking for each and every screw and how things were supposed to go back together. I had the 3D printed part that my cousin, Shaun printed for me. This part replaced the broken Fan hood/housing. I had bought a little LED device to put in this newly printed piece but it would not fit and the power connectors were not compatible with my machine. I think you have to know how to solder and put together new connectors to make that happen. This is something I do not have the skill to perform at this time. So instead I am going to figure out a 3D printed housing solution for the mini LED screen and power it with the USB-C connector on it instead. I may try and add this to another print of mine down the road, we’ll see, though.

To test out if everything was back and in working order I printed out a “benchy” that is a benchmark boat that one prints to make sure the printer works. Well, the far right one was one I had printed when I got the printer and had done nothing to it. The middle one was printed right after getting everything back up and running. The one on the left was printed after I tightened up the belts and that made the print come out pretty near perfect. Time to get back to printing.

My LEGO Camera

My LEGO Camera
Photo-A-Day 2.0 #01968

My Aunt and Uncle purchased me a LEGO camera for my 50th birthday. This was a LEGO creatives set and can be built into 3 different models. There was the Camera, Video camera and another option. I opted for the camera because it reminds me of the old Pentax that my Dad had and that I had learned on. It now sits on my desk as part of my display of fun things. It even has two rolls of “film” that you can put inside the camera. Very cute idea.