Our Gourmet

pizza omelet
Photo-A-Day 2.0 #01965

I came downstairs this morning and Andy was working on an omelet. It was pretty fancy with pepperoni and olives in it along with cheese and then some cheese toast that Andy also makes. I don’t think I’ll have to worry about this kid starving or being unable to take care of themselves when it comes to food.

Someone’s Oh’ La Fancy New Car

O La Fancy New Car
Photo-A-Day 2.0 #01964

I picked up Allison’s new car this afternoon. IT is a new Kia Sportage. They redesigned the car shortly after we leased the grey one. This one has pretty much everything we’ve wanted in a car and I am a bit jealous of all the cool features. There is wireless charging, charging ports on both front seats so the kids in the back seats can have power to their devices on car trips to the Cape.

The car seems both bigger and smaller at the same time. It feels longer and also there is more room between driver and passenger in the front seat. However, parking it in the yard it feels smaller and seems to take up less room. The car also has our first ever remote starter. That will come in handy in the Winter. The car also has roof racks so I am excited about that and maybe taking my kayak out more.