Sure, that could describe the box that is sitting in the back seat of my car right now. That would be my box of Transformers and other toys from my desk at work, see Wednesday’s post.
No, this is a box of mysterious stuff that I collected, amassed, was given, begged, borrowed and stole. This is a box of Awesome that I am going to give to one lucky reader. I’ll be revealing a few of the items that are in the box in the next few days. There is a lot of stuff in the box. You can already see that there is a T-Shirt in the box. Are there more? What else is there? How can you win?
How to gain entry into the contest:
* Contest open to US mailing addresses only. Sorry.
* MAIN RULE – Leave a comment making a guess as to what is inside BenSpark’s Big Box of Awesome (you don’t have to be right), there are many things. (remember if this rule is not followed then no others will count)
* 1 Extra Entry – Subscribe to my RSS feed or by email (or let me know if you already are) in a separate comment
* 1 Extra Entry – Stumble this post (sociable icons are at the bottom of the post) and leave your Stumble name (I will be checking) in a separate comment
* 1 Extra Entry – Favorite The BenSpark in Technorati (sociable icons are at the bottom of the post) and leave your name (I will be checking) in a separate comment
* 1 Extra Entry – Follow me on Twitter (button on the top left sidebar) and let me know your Twitter name in a separate comment
* 1 Extra Entry – Post this link to Facebook let me know in a separate comment
* 1 Extra Entry – Tweet this “RT What is in @benspark ‘s Big Box of Awesome? Find out here” leave me the link to the tweet in a separate comment
* 2 Extra Entries – Write a post on your blog linking to my blog. Let me know the link in a separate comment
Easily Subscribe via e-mail:
Contest will start now and end December 17th at 12:00pm EST BenSpark’s Big Box of Awesome will be mailed out December 18th. Hopefully it will arrive in time for Christmas. Contest open to US residents only.
Have you actually seen everything that is in BenSpark’s Big Box of Awesome. Check out all the “revealed†items on my Flickr page.
I think there might be an XShot in there someplace!
Christines last blog post..New neighbors
You are too good at this. Maybe.
Just signed up for email subscription!
Christines last blog post..New neighbors
I faved you on Technorati ages ago, I just checked!
Christines last blog post..New neighbors
I already do follow you on Twitter, too. Username for both that and Technorati (which I forgot to put above: catmommy9.
Christines last blog post..New neighbors
Stumbled – catmommy9
Christines last blog post..New neighbors
Hmmmmm… I’m guessing there’s a INAFB t-shirt in there somewhere
Heather in Beautiful BCs last blog post..Hugo Hosts a Christmas Party
If I had a second on hand that would certainly be a great addition to the box, however. I don’t, good guess though.
I am guessing a IZEAfest coffee mug
Jennifers last blog post..Exergen TemporalScannerâ„¢ Review And Giveaway
I’m not a good guesser, but I’d say it’s full of stuff that will come in handy when I go to my first blogging conferences this summer!
corrins last blog post..Heels to Flats
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Jennifers last blog post..Exergen TemporalScannerâ„¢ Review And Giveaway
corrins last blog post..Heels to Flats
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Jennifers last blog post..Exergen TemporalScannerâ„¢ Review And Giveaway
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Jennifers last blog post..Exergen TemporalScannerâ„¢ Review And Giveaway
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Jennifers last blog post..Exergen TemporalScannerâ„¢ Review And Giveaway
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Jennifers last blog post..Exergen TemporalScannerâ„¢ Review And Giveaway
Oooh. I’m gunna guess there are business cards, stickers, t-shirts, x-shots, something camera related, maybe a bag or something, and a dingo and it’s baby.. lol
Stumbled :
Stumbled! CorrinRenee
corrins last blog post..Heels to Flats
Facebooked: err it’s in my status, can’t link to it. lol
Oh and I’m already following you on twitter. (forgot to mention that) Now I must go outta your blog and get some breakfast for the kiddos.
So close, so close.
Here’s hoping, anyway!
I’m a subscriber.
You are very warm on what is in there, how did you know about the dingo?
That would be awesome.
I just thought of something else that could be in there. Pens or pencils, or both. lol Oh and that dingo might chew ’em up so watch him. The baby needs some formula, so get on that before it starts to cry… lol
Chicas last blog post..The Most exciting nothing in the world
I am guessing there is an IZEA pop can holder. I forget what they are called but they keep your soda cold and keep it from dripping onto the end table.
Karen, you are right on the money one of those is inside, that is called a koozy or coozie or any variation on the spelling.
Is it cheating to say I saw on one of your other blogs that there’s an XShot in there? Also, I was hoping for one of your I’m not a famous blogger t-shirts, but I saw that’s a bad guess.
How about one of those awesome calendars? That would be a good addition to the box.
Annas last blog post..Slippery When Cold
I’m following you on twitter now – bcmom. I can’t believe I wasn’t already.
Annas last blog post..Slippery When Cold
– already subscribed
Annas last blog post..Slippery When Cold
A calendar is a great idea for the box. I haven’t received them yet but once I do I think one might make its way into the box. Good suggestion. And no, it is not cheating to look around my other blogs for what is in the box, that is encouraged.
Tweeted – bcmom
Annas last blog post..Camera Critters (#35)
Posted a link to Facebook.
Annas last blog post..Camera Critters (#35)
An inflatable kayake? One could only hope right?
Julies last blog post..Easy $500 Kmart Gift Card Giveaway
Julies last blog post..Easy $500 Kmart Gift Card Giveaway
Julies last blog post..Blog Blazers – by Stephane Grenier
Subscribed by email.
Julies last blog post..White Possum-First Victim of Global Warming
Too funny Julie, but no, no inflatable kayak.
Subscribed to your RSS feed.
Julies last blog post..Queen of the Road – Review & Giveaway
Fav’d you on Technorati:
Julies last blog post..Working From Bed – Day 5
Stumbled – bcmom (as always)
Annas last blog post..Camera Critters (#35)
I’m going to guess that there is an Edge digital frame, cat toys, toys from McDonald’s Happy Meals… that’s all I can think of for now. I like the T-shirt!
I’m also subscribed already.
Might any of those misplaced Transformers make it into the box?
Annas last blog post..Camera Critters (#35)
I’ll go for guessing there’s a devil duck in there, for devil ducks are awesome.
Sorry none of that is in the box. Good guesses though.
I don’t have a devil duck but that would be cool.
I favorited your blog on Technorati, too.
Annas last blog post..Recipes and Subdomains
There has to be a coffee mug in there somewhere right?
OK – first… the guess.
I’m thinking there’s a shirt that says “I talk to strangers”. Underneath that shirt is an Xshot, a dingo who is eating all the pencils, a camera memory card, a Christmas ornament (tis the season, right?), some dingo poop (hey, when you gotta go, you gotta go), and lots of love from Drew.
Misty Dawns last blog post..Big News, Random Thoughts, & Other Stuff
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Misty Dawns last blog post..Big News, Random Thoughts, & Other Stuff
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Misty Dawns last blog post..Big News, Random Thoughts, & Other Stuff
You are one of my faves on Technorati (MistyDawn is the name)
Misty Dawns last blog post..Big News, Random Thoughts, & Other Stuff
I say there is a t-shirt in there. Maybe a coffee to go cup and god knows what else. I can’t even guess.
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Misty Dawns last blog post..Big News, Random Thoughts, & Other Stuff
Posted the link on Facebook. (Misty Dawn)
Misty Dawns last blog post..Big News, Random Thoughts, & Other Stuff
The box contains (other than the t-shirt):
(1) The only season of Northern Exposure, DVD set, that I do not own;
(2) The 18 1/2 minutes of Watergate tape erased by Rosemary Woods;
(3) Lost episodes of Green Acres;
(4) Mrs. Murphy’s chowder;
(5) Seal-A-Meal;
(6) Sarah Palin’s Neiman Marcus card.
A boys are smelly notepad
The Jillybeans last blog post..Finga Zinga
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The Jillybeans last blog post..Finga Zinga
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I stumbled! (TheJillybean)
The Jillybeans last blog post..Finga Zinga
Here’s my blog post…
If we have more than one blog… can we do more than one post? just askin’
Misty Dawns last blog post..Heads or Tails *Fill*
You can do as many posts as you would like, only one will count towards the contest however.
I’m guessing there is some form of Blog World SWAG in there, and maybe an Izea Sparky button.
Lorettas last blog post..I didn’t forget, I just lost track of the days!
I already sub to your feed in Google Reader
Lorettas last blog post..I didn’t forget, I just lost track of the days!
I follow you on Twitter of course, because I’m a Twitter addict –
Lorettas last blog post..I didn’t forget, I just lost track of the days!
Since I’m a Twitter addict I retweeted –
Lorettas last blog post..I didn’t forget, I just lost track of the days!
I bet there’s a copy of Feedfront, an IZEA shot glass, and an ML I’m Blogging this shirt!
I will have to check on the coffee mug, there may be one in there.
There is at least one T-Shirt inside. As for what else is in there you might want to check around.
Jean D.

Not even Close.
But I found the Truth that was out there and put That in the Box.
Are do some snooping around the web to find out what is inside? You found one item.
There may be some of that type of swag in the box, I’ll have to poke around and see what I can find.
There might be, But I wonder who is going to reveal that. That is if there is, in fact, a Market Leverage shirt in the box. What is FeedFront?
i’m guessing flash drives, tee shirts, maybe a tripod?, just a whole bunch of techie, bloggy, geeky goodness.
ciaras last blog post..Christmas Tree 2008
i subscribe to your feed via bloglines
ciaras last blog post..Christmas Tree 2008
just tweeted it
you can find it in favorite updates i don’t know to get ‘links’ for twitter. lol
ciaras last blog post..Christmas Tree 2008
i stumbled the post
ciaras last blog post..Christmas Tree 2008
added to technorati faves
ciaras last blog post..Christmas Tree 2008
I knew I recognized that ML blue behind the top shirt! FeedFront is the affiliate marketing magazine developed by Shawn and Missy, who run Affiliate Summit. Great articles in there!
Actually that is not what you are seeing Dina. that is a as of yet unrevealed item. But your guess is still solid. But who will reveal those two items. Hmm.
Hmmm maybe their are shirts in the box of awesome
This would be awesome to win!
Thanks so much
Emmi, There very well may be some shirts in the box.
Added you to my feed
Another t-shirt
I think there is a fancy pants digital camera in the big box of awesome that I am going to win.
Or at least, there ought to be!
Jesicas last blog post..Betrayed
Okay, I have to guess a few things that I’ve seen going around the blogosphere, including a pair of gloves, a t-shirt, a picture frame, a koozie and a flash drive among other things! Oh, a maybe a big red plastic pair of lips?
Lynnes last blog post..Charter Communication and The Ultimate Bundle
I guess a beanie hat.
Babas last blog post..Cool Giveaways
Stumbled this.
I think there is a bag of sorts in there…or a hat
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twittered this giveaway! Cant find your follow link.
Babas last blog post..Cool Giveaways
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Babas last blog post..Cool Giveaways
blogged this one!
Babas last blog post..Cool Giveaways
I am guessing there are 4 t-shirts and an X-shot 2.0 in there!
i’m a subscriber!!
Do you know any sponsors handing out digital cameras? If so let me know I’d love to put one in the box, sadly I don’t. Good guess though.
There might be another shirt or more… Good guess.
No red lips, I wasn’t on that postie pack run. But I still have some other good things inside the box.
No beanie hats for me. Just one hat inside, but not a beanie.
Brenda, A Bag, hmmm, I will have to check.
There are shirts and an Xshot but much much more.
I think their might be a game for Wii,maybe some other type of games
I subscribed
I’m guessing an elastic ball (ball made out of all rubber bands.)
I am already subscribed too!
And I posted the link on Facebook.
Games, hmmm, Wii games, double hmmm. I’m not sure if I have any of those in there. Good guess.
I actually got NHL2009 from Yard Barker but may offer that as a separate contest.
Nope but a good guess. If I had spare time that I didn’t spend on the internet or on facebook, finding old friends and posting old photos, not to mention playing tons of games, then maybe I’d have some time for a rubber band ball.
chocolate, there has to be chocolate buried under that blue tee
‘beccas last blog post..advent week 2
Ummm I think there’s some tee shirts?
google reader – subscription
‘beccas last blog post..advent week 2
I’m guessing there is a record somewhere in there. Nothing like good vinyl!
I now am a subscriber via email!
That’s it, curiosity is getting the better of me and I just had to write a post about your contest!
Lynnes last blog post..Charter Communication and The Ultimate Bundle
Nope, but a good guess. I may be persuaded to add some though.
Good guess though.
Nope I’m keeping all the vinyl.
Yes, there are some T-Shirts, have you found all of them?
I bet there’s some lint in there somewhere.
Thank you for the fun giveaway! I would love to win a Big Box of Awesome!
Beeb Ashcrofts last blog post..I Love EasySaver Rebates
I’m guessing a roll of quarters, a box of Pillsbury Brownie mix, and a sock monkey.
Well sure there is lint. Ton’s of it.
The box is pretty big so I’ll guess a Xshot, some Izea goodies, “I’m not a famous blogger” t-shirt, a Benspark calendar, an Edge Tech goodie (wishful thinking!).
I already receive your post via RSS Feed.
Roll of quarters, too heavy. Brownie Mix, I bet I could get some of that. A Sock monkey, don’t have one. Good guesses though.
I am already following you on Twitter too as avcr8teur
There is an Xshot and some IZEA goodies, the T-shirt was a no go because the only one that exists is mine. A calendar might make it in though.
T-shirts..obviously! Maybe some computer software, dvd’s, flash drives, key chains? Socks? LOl!
Is Santa in there?? Oohh…or a puppy?? Just kidding…I know you won’t throw anything alive in there. My real guess is a Photo-A-Day Calendar?
My sneaky adventure post is linked to this comment.:)
Mos last blog post..Sunshine…lollipops…and a Big Box of Awesome!
I’m subscribed! Twice actually, once for home and once for work:)
Mos last blog post..Sunshine…lollipops…and a Big Box of Awesome!
I stumbled on facebook:) You know my name!
Mos last blog post..Sunshine…lollipops…and a Big Box of Awesome!
Mos last blog post..Sunshine…lollipops…and a Big Box of Awesome!
Also, regarding Twitter…I’ve been following you for some time now. My name is mot412
I realize I may have violated a rule of Box of Awesome…so here is the link to my post…though I don’t actually know if it counts…
Mos last blog post..Sunshine…lollipops…and a Big Box of Awesome!
Computer software, possibly. We shall see.
A calendar would be awesome. One might make its way inside the box. I’m following you on twitter. I think either me or Allison told you all about it and therefore need to follow you to make sure you use it for the powers of good.
Here’s my post!
What’s your Twitter name? Any extra entries for sticking a Santa Hat on your avatar?
My Twitter name? BenSpark of Course.
I am following you…..tweet tweet!
….and Re-Tweet!
I want Ben Spark in the box!
Too Funny! But no, I am not in the Box.
Are there empty McDonald’s containers in the box?
I’d say there is a notebook computer! Wishfull thinking!
I think you have a Wii fit in the box (or maybe I am just projecting my fondest wish…)
Probably a flash drive…socks?…a cute puppy???
I subscribe by e-mail.
a whoopee cushion maybe?
already subscribed
No empty McDonald’s containers. Not even Happy Meals.
Maybe if I get a sponsor I can give one away sometime.
A netbook? This is a box of awesome! not a box of I’m putting myself in the poorhouse.
A wii fit, well for the amount of time we actually use ours it should be in there but alas no, no wii fit.
Sara B.,
Right, wrong, wrong… Good Guesses.
This is a family blog. But in case you were really wondering, no there are no sex toys in the big box of awesome. What you do with the contents however I cannot be responsible for.
Nothing quite so explosive.
Is there a cocoa mug from La Salette?
I am a subscriber.
I think there is an IPhone, a couple of key chains, and LOTS of chocolate!
Tweet Tweet: I follow you (Mom2Ways)
Tweet tweet:
I subscribed via e-mail.
No there is not. But I have been meaning to go there to take pictures of the Lights. How do you know about La Salette?
Hi Julie,
No chocolate unless I decide to add some at the last minute. No keychains either and I get tons of them yet none hanging around. IPhone, I Wish. Good guesses though.
a flash drive, an old mouse and a turnip
Well, no one else has guessed a turnip. Good try.
How about a flash drive with a company logo on it, or maybe a portable data cable.
I subscribed to your feed.
There is a flash drive with the IZEA logo on it.
Signed up for email updates, and is there a pair of fur lined handcuffs in the box?
Not that I need a pair!
I think there is a t-shirt for sure. LOL and some pens. And photography stuff.
Rachels last blog post..Night #5 of the 15 Naughty Nights Christmas Contest
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Rachels last blog post..Night #5 of the 15 Naughty Nights Christmas Contest
and finally
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Rachels last blog post..Night #5 of the 15 Naughty Nights Christmas Contest
I am going to guess there are drink mixes to make your own pina coladas.
No handcuffs, fur lined or standard issue for that matter, in the box. Good, yet disturbing guess.
Definitely some T-Shirts, yes multiple ones. Good Guess.
Cherie J,
No pina coladas or drink mixes. I was thinking of sending something that was a powder (insta snow) but I feared my big box of awesome would become suspect.
A chicken? Does the box have air holes?
There’s nobody here except us chickens. But they are not in the box. Good guess.
What about a rubber ducky like on your calendar?
I subscribed via Google Reader.
Stumbled and reviewed – SU name is ShawnsBidness
Faved you on Technorati. Name there is ShawnsBidness.
Here’s my tweet URL:
I follow you on Twitter. I’m ConnieFoggles
If I could pry one of them away from Eva I think I might be able to put one in the box but alas no.
I am guessing you might have a Ted Hat in there.
Babas last blog post..Skin MD – The Winner Is
Is there a Hooter’s Shirt?
No ted hat nor hooter’s shirt. Good guesses though.
ummm let me guess. An orange safety vest? OK, I peeked.
For some reason this vest really makes me want to win and I have absolutely no idea why. I just sat looking at it thinking “wow! a safety vest!” Not that I think I would ever wear it. Or want to be seen wearing it. I think I just want to own it.
MaryBeth Is last blog post..UPDATE 12/14/2008 – Progresso winners!
I am a subscriber!
MaryBeth Is last blog post..UPDATE 12/14/2008 – Progresso winners!
stumbled! marybethi.
MaryBeth Is last blog post..UPDATE 12/14/2008 – Progresso winners!
faved in technorati – misaacmom
MaryBeth Is last blog post..UPDATE 12/14/2008 – Progresso winners!
got so excited about this box that put the wrong year in the title. Corrected it but the link still says 2009. Here you go!
Oh and if I win I don’t think my kids will let me keep the safety vest…..
MaryBeth Is last blog post..UPDATE 12/14/2008 – Progresso winners!
MaryBeth I,
That safety Orange vest is fetching. Very fetching.
gonna guess there is a a bunch of great stuff…hmm a digital camera…some cofee- or something hot or something to get you hot- sexy things for the spouse…ok a gas card, a pair of gloves, air?
I’m going to have to say a netbook of some sort. Maybe not – but it would fit in the box, and be AWESOME!!!
Chad W Smiths last blog post..Gas Shopping Revisited
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Chad W Smiths last blog post..Gas Shopping Revisited
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Chad W Smiths last blog post..Gas Shopping Revisited
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Chad W Smiths last blog post..Gas Shopping Revisited
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This is not an attempt at a second entry – I just saw that the netbook thing had already been guessed and proven wrong. So I’m going to guess again… A Game Boy Micro.
Chad W Smiths last blog post..Gas Shopping Revisited
There are some really great things in the Big Box of Awesome, some you guessed and some you didn’t Thanks so much for entering.
No netbook, no game boy either but there is a PDA in there. Market Leverage TV revealed it today. Good guesses and thanks for entering the contest.
I am guessing Batteries,a flashlight and a Baseball cap..I am not sure why i am guessing those things..maybe they are awesome things for guys:)
Such a fun contest, i have been enjoying your blog!!
I am a happy subscriber:)
No baseball cap, no flashlight or batteries. But there are awesome things for guys and gals. Glad you like the contest.
I think there is an Iphone in your big box of awesome!
Heathers last blog post..Talent Tuesday: Metallica’s "Death Magnet"
I subscribed!!
Heathers last blog post..Talent Tuesday: Metallica’s "Death Magnet"
Heather, you might be right, but alas you are not. Good guess, if you know anyone who wants to have me give away an iPhone I’d gladly do so. Thanks for entering.
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Heathers last blog post..Talent Tuesday: Metallica’s "Death Magnet"
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Heathers last blog post..Talent Tuesday: Metallica’s "Death Magnet"
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Heathers last blog post..Talent Tuesday: Metallica’s "Death Magnet"
Posted on facebook! (blushingmommy)
Heathers last blog post..Talent Tuesday: Metallica’s "Death Magnet"
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Heathers last blog post..Talent Tuesday: Metallica’s "Death Magnet"
I am guessing there is an x-shot in there. I would love it if you had one of the soda machines but that is highly unlikely.
I think you are giving away a puppy. Yup, that’s my guess.
You just made it in. No puppy.
Just under the wire I hope. Just posted to facebook.
Yep, just under the wire. Exactly 12:00pm