On October 9 – 11 I attended a Disney Press Event for THOR: RAGNAROK. My hotel and airfare and meals were taken care of while I was in L.A. Opinions and observations as well as recaps and such are all my own. This post will also contain some affiliate links to Amazon.com.
Cars 3 was released on Bluray/DVD today. This is my favorite of the three Cars movies. There is so much in this movie to enjoy but there is even more on the Bluray/DVD. I’m talking about the Bonus Features. I received the Bluray/DVD combo about a week ago and just got a chance to pour through all the bonus features the other day. There are a whole bunch of great bonus features with lots of insight into the movie.
Five years ago I went on my first Disney press trip. It was to the Pixar campus for Monsters University. While I was there I got to speak with so many amazing people who put these movies together. Well, the bonus features here on this Bluray/DVD were like taking a trip back to Pixar to get some special insider knowledge about this movie. Here are a few of my favorite bonus features.

Probably the most interesting was the feature, Legendary. This was most interesting because it was about real people who were made into cars for the movie. Specifically racing legends Wendell Scott and Louise Smith. These two racers were pioneers at a time when neither were welcome in the sport. They weren’t invited to race but showed up and won people over. They had the will and tenacity to keep going even if things were difficult. It was really cool to see more about the real world people and then see how their stories were added into the film to help Lightning McQueen.
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