Tag Archives: Erik

Let go of my drumstick

Let go of my drumstick
Photo-A-Day #1329

Today was Thanksgiving and we had a very nice day. Eva and Allison and I watched the Macy’s Thanksgiving Day Parade. And we got Rick Rolled like the rest of you. That was pretty funny too.

Eva had a very pretty purple velvet dress that her Mimi got her, from Macy’s ironically enough. We listened to Arlo Guthrie’s Alice’s Restaurant at noon on WROR as is the Thanksgiving Day tradition. We were visited by my grandparents on my Dad’s side and shared our meal with Erik’s parents Bonnie and Howard. Bonnie and Howard brought Eva a penguin that was just about as large as she. It is a Gund too and so it is wonderfully soft and squishy. To see Eva hug the penguin is a sight to behold. She just gets enveloped into the penguin.

We had a delicious dinner courtesy of my sister Tara. She got the whole thing from Whole Foods. My father and I got the drumsticks because that is the part that we like the best. The rest of the meal included all the traditional fixings and they were also very tasty.

Eva got to spend time with Aunt Shelby as well. She has a great time with Shelby too, you should see how she lights up and laughs around her. They have so much fun. My mom is going to be in trouble when she says “Where’s Aunt Shelby?” to Eva and Aunt Shelby is nowhere around. Eventually Eva is going to understand what that means and go in search for her and when she cannot find her and has a meltdown then that will be the last time she says that.

For dessert we had apple pie, pumpkin pudding pie, ice cream, cheesecake and of course the Pumpkin Pie, Gingerbread, White Chocolate, Caramel Ice Cream. That ice cream was delicious. I still have no name for it but I would certainly get it again as it tasted very much like pumpkin pie.

Later tonight we went to my Uncle Richard’s house for more dessert and to visit with my Grandparent’s on my Mom’s side. It was a nice day and we were able to see much of our family. Tomorrow we go and visit Allison’s family too.

Slightly More Refined

Slightly More Refined
Photo-A-Day #1275

First off, a Very Happy Anniversary to my sister Tara and her husband Erik. 5 years! Congratulations. So because of that here some bonus Photo-A-Day Images.

Interesting foliage Another look

Today was a day to accomplish things. With Allison and I both attacking the back room we were able to consolidate quite a bit. It doesn’t look it right now but we are making progress on clearing out some junk and making this a room that is both a guest room as well as an art room for Allison so that she can work on her projects and get her Etsy store up and running.

This morning I looked at all the things I have hanging around, stuff I just don’t need anymore but maybe someone else might want it. So I am going to be posting quite a bit to eBay soon. I have the 1st 27 issues of Nintendo Power Magazine to sell, some Transformers from Botcon 2003 or rather The Official Transformers Collectors Convention 2003. I have the 4 exclusives in their boxes and I also have Binatech Sideswipe because I have two of that one. I also have some technical items to sell as well. Time to get rid of some stuff.

We also put the new stove through its paces.

The new stove.

Allison made a delicious chili for dinner and also some tasty chocolate chip cookies. She even put in a few white chocolate chips for me. She used the Smart Balance 50% butter 50% Smart Balance butter and I couldn’t even tell the difference. That is saying something and it is saying something good. Believe me I had my doubts about that stuff.

This morning I decided to tell the world the origins of my loathing of that peel and eat fiend, the banana. Now that we have the DVR and HD cable and all those channels I was able to watch 80’s videos. I guess I got nostalgic for 1986.

We went for a walk tonight and saw this car with this bumper sticker.

... Film at Eleven!

It immediately made me think of The Kentucky Fried Movie. Thanks to Neil and Derek. Seeing them earlier this week for lunch was a real treat.