Tag Archives: Gratitude

Thank You to All The Teachers

Thank you

Photo-A-Day 2.0 #00526

The room mom for Andy’s class asked that each kid take a photo with a Thank You sign that they created and then she put all of them together to present to Andy’s teacher. She even made a special one for Allison as the classroom’s aide. There is a lot to say thank you for with regards to the school year. Andy’s teacher had a very difficult year with a classroom of big personalities. She always did a phenomenal job with Andy.

Today Andy’s teacher came over to drop off a gift for Allison and me. she got us a beautiful rose bush that we will add to our yard. She came while I was cleaning up the sidewalk. It was beyond time for me to get that all cleaned up. So many little branches had fallen and other debris that should be cleaned up. I think that now that I am walking more I am paying more attention to how people maintain their sidewalks.


Photo-A-Day #1825

I once wrote a post for Jim Kukral’s blog. Gary Vaynerchuk is writing a book called the Thank You Economy (I think he said that in his latest video.) My friend and client Ed Gerety is huge in gratitude, he blogs about it all the time and he lives it. This flower is actually from Ed and his wife Suzanne. Thank you guys! Continue reading Gratitude