Tag Archives: Photo-A-Day

I am now a ShutterCal Affiliate

Sign up for Shuttercal

For the past three years I’ve been working with ShutterCal for my primary Photo-A-Day hosting. I post my Photo-A-Day photo on ShutterCal every day and have it embedded on this blog as well. The first year I did this as a collaboration with ShutterCal to get the word out about their free service. ShutterCal continued to innovate over the past three years to add new and exciting service. These are services that you pay for. My absolute favorite service is the ShutterCal shoebox. I received a free shoebox for my 2010’s Photo-A-Day photos. I liked it so much that I signed up for a subscription for 2011 and 2012. I also intend to upload all previous years going back to 2005 and the start of Photo-A-Day to get shoeboxes for each of those years.

Why am I telling you this? Continue reading I am now a ShutterCal Affiliate

Has it Been Seven Years Already?

Photo-A-Day #2558

Today was my 38th birthday. I had to work for part of it and slept for another part of it but in the end it turned out pretty sweet. I got home from work and had breakfast with Allison, Eva and Andrew. Then I slept for five hours. Had to recover some rest from the weekend before facing the day ahead. I got up and headed downstairs. I was greeted by a table full of cupcakes and decorated in Transformers! I guess I selected the right shirt for the day. Continue reading Has it Been Seven Years Already?