Tag Archives: Photo-A-Day

It All Starts Somewhere

Photo-A-Day #1826

Today’s photo is the last photo of a five year run. Part of the reason that I took this one photo is that the plant in it is just growing. It reminds me that taking a journey begins with small steps. Seeds do not blossom overnight. It takes time to grow and become something of significance. People have asked me how I could take a photo every single day. The thing is that I don’t think of the five years, the one year, the one month or the one week. I think of the one day it lets me focus on what is important in that day, in that moment. Continue reading It All Starts Somewhere


Photo-A-Day #1825

I once wrote a post for Jim Kukral’s blog. Gary Vaynerchuk is writing a book called the Thank You Economy (I think he said that in his latest video.) My friend and client Ed Gerety is huge in gratitude, he blogs about it all the time and he lives it. This flower is actually from Ed and his wife Suzanne. Thank you guys! Continue reading Gratitude