Skylanders Trap Team is being released on Sunday October 5th. This is the fourth iteration of the Skylanders Franchise. There are over sixty new figures that will be released and also 40+ villains that can be trapped into Traptanium Crystals and so you are going to need a mess of those as well. This release will be pretty involved and you may have some questions regarding the release. I’m here to help you keep everything straight and not miss out on anything. There is still time to get in on some great pre-order deals and I don’t want to see you miss out. So I am giving you 10 things that you must know before Skylanders Trap Team is released on October 5, 2014.
* – Sunday Morning – Toys R Us from 8-10am if you are a Rewards R Us Member you can get some buy one get one %50 off.
10 Things You Must Know Before Skylanders Trap Team is Released
1. Every single figure, magic item, sidekick, battle item and more will work in Skylanders Trap Team. Stop asking this question.
2. Your Skylanders Sidekicks are now fully playable characters. The original 8 are being re-released as Skylanders Minis and they are being joined by 8 new minis.
3. A New Portal is required for Skylanders: Trap Team. New Technology for the traps necessitated a new portal, deal with it.
4. Brand new characters do not work with previous Skylanders games. If this character is brand new to the Skylanders franchise then it will only work with Skylanders Trap Team.
5. Reposed characters are playable in past versions of Skylanders games. That is, as long as that character was previously playable in that particular game. For example, Spyro has been a character since Skylanders: Spyro’s Adventure and he is playable in every single Skylanders game. ShroomBoom was introduced in Skylanders Giants and so the newly reposed Sure Shot ShroomBoom works in Skylanders Giants and higher. Rollerbrawl was introduced in Skylanders Swap Force and so she works in that game and Skylanders Trap Team. Packaging should tell you which characters work in which game.
6. You can quickly Identify What character was released with which game. Each character is on a translucent base. Green is for Skylanders: Spyro’s Adventure, Orange is for Skylanders: Giants, Light Blue for Skylanders: Swap Force and Red for Skylanders: Trap Team.
7. You’re going to want to have a Dark Edition of Skylanders Trap Team. The Dark Edition comes with three repainted figures and three traps including the Ultimate Kaos Trap. The Dark Edition is $99 which is $15 more than the standard edition however a TrapMaster is $15 and the Ultimate Kaos Trap is going to be the most coveted trap of the game. If you don’t get the Dark Edition then you have to wait for that trap to be released later, and it won’t be the Ultimate Edition, it will be standard. When? Who knows.
8. This time around there is a Tablet version of the game. This is a fully playable version of the game. The Tablet version comes with a portal that acts as a stand for the tablet and comes with a wireless game controller.
The tablets that are compatible are:
- iPad (3rd, 4th Generation), iPad Air, iPad Mini with Retina Display – iOS 7 or higher
- Kindle Fire HDX – Fire OS 4 or higher
- Galaxy Note 10.1, Galaxy Note Pro 12.2, Galaxy Tab Pro 8.4, 101, 12.2
- Galaxy Tab S: 3.4, 10.5- Android 4.4 or higher
- Nexus 7 – Android 4.4 or higher
9. Special Edition Characters at time of launch and what retailers have exclusives.
- Target:
- Walmart:
- Toys R Us:
- Gamestop:
10. Plenty of characters are being released. Here’s a list of Wave 1 characters.
- Snap Shot – Starter Kit
- Dark Snap Shot – Dark Starter Kit
- Dark Wildfire – Dark Starter Kit
- Nitro Krypt King – Target Exclusive
- Legendary Jaw Breaker – Toys R Us Exclusive
- Krypt King
- Gearshift
- Wildfire
- Jaw Breaker
- Wallop
- Gusto
– Individual and in 3Ds Starter Pack
New Core Characters
- Food Fight – Starter Pack
- Dark Food Fight – Dark Starter Pack
- Legendary Blades – Legendary Nightmare Express Adventure Pack
- Blades – Nightmare Express Adventure Pack or 3 pack with Tidal Wave Gill Grunt and Torch
- Torch – Individual or in 3-pack with Tidal Wave Gill Grunt and Blades
- Funny Bone – Individual and 3-pack with Chopper and Sure Shot ShroomBoom
- Chopper – Individual and 3-pack with Sure Shot ShroomBoom and Funny Bone
Re-Posed Core Characters
- Tidal Wave Gill Grunt – Individual, Buddy Pack with Gill Runt, 3-pack with Torch and Blades
- Sure Shot ShroomBoom – Individual and 3-pack with Chopper and Funny Bone
Skylanders Minis
- Gill Runt – in Buddy 2-Pack with Tidal Wave Gill Grunt
- Barkley – In Nintendo 3Ds Starter Pack
- Spry / Mini Jini – Mini 2-Pack
- Bop / Terrabite – Mini 2-Pack
- Drobit / Trigger Snappy – Mini 2-Pack
- Hijinx / Eye Small – Mini 2-Pack
Traptanium Traps
- Trap Crystal – Life Hammer – Starter Packs
- Trap Crystal – Water Totem – Starter Packs
- Trap Crystal – Ultimate Kaos Trap – Dark Starter Pack
- Trap Crystal – Magic Skull
- Trap Crystal – Fire Torch
- Trap Crystal – Undead Skull
- Trap Crystal – Earth Orb
- Trap Crystal – Water Log Holder
- Trap Crystal – 3-Pack – Undead Skull, Fire Torch, Air Jughead
- Trap Crystal – 3-Pack – Tech Scepter, Magic Log Holder, Earth Orb
- Trap Storage – Toys R Us Exclusive
So, that is all I know until the release of Skylanders Trap Team. Personally I have pre-ordered the Dark Edition for the Wii U through, the Tablet Version with the Free Trap through Target and should be getting the standard editionfor the Wii U to review. I’ll get the 3DS version at some point which will cover me on all characters and traps you can get with Starter Packs. Then I’ll probably pick up the rest of my figures through Toys R Us on release day as long as they have a major sale, which they have had in the past (buy one gt one 40% off).
And now I’m poor….
Just take all my money.
Well looks like target got some… Toys R Us got some… and even walked over to GameStop to make sure I can walk in and pick it up on Sunday!
Its a shame GameStop seems to have no exclusives or deals.
GameStop does have exclusives, Eon’s elite, or rather, super money grab! I hope you didn’t pre-order one of those, such a scam. $25 for a $9.99 figure. Nope!
Target, Walmart, Toys R US and Amazon will be getting my money.
My kids are all big now, but I have to say I’m sad to have missed Skylanders. It looks so fun!
You don’t have to miss it, I’m the one in my house who plays the most and I’m 40.
I love it’s compatible with so much.
Don’t shoot me, but I have no knowledge of Skylanders at all. Like none!
I know ziltch about Skylanders so this is a helpful post. Hopefully, when my kids come home asking about it, I’ll be prepared now!
This game franchise is an ingenious way to suck the most money out of parents’ wallets. Instead of a one-time charge of $50 for a game, Activision decided to sell game elements separately. Each character doesn’t seem like that much money, but to purchase every element of every game will have you spending close to $500 (I’m too afraid to do the actual math…). Brilliant marketing ploy (and a fun game).
You forgot to mention that you can’t open elemental doors with previous skylanders… Serious what the fuck with this shit….
Buying figures OK, but when you got dozens of them, rendered useless to complete levels : NO
Hi Peter,
I didn’t forget that bit of info, in fact I played at home for the first time tonight and found out that information myself while playing. I don’t get the game ahead of time, I’m not at that level of reviewer. What I do get is asked to attend media events where you get a little hands on time but not enough to really dig deep. I can understand your frustration, especially since there are characters that won’t be released for a while that are needed to complete levels including the first level.
I suppose you can only trap one character per trap, right? Is that why they have so many variations on the traps?
Hi Belinda,
Yes, you can only trap one per trap but you can also clear a villain out of the trap and trap someone else. Villains have their own little missions and there are points in the game where you need an “evolved” villain which is a villain that has done their mission. You could essentially trap the villain, evolve them and swap them around so you don’t need all the traps, not really.
Another question…what are the differences between the dark version and the standard game? Should we be buying the two different games for two totally different experiences?
There is no difference between the game itself. The difference comes from what is in the box which would be the Ultimate Kaos trap and the dark versions of the figures.
well recently my son captured Kaos but when he tried to use him nothing happend whats up with that it also happend with wolfgang and jawbreaker please try to give an explanation
Does anyone know when the kaos trap will be released by itself?
sorry about that the website blank was red so i thought i had to put a link there
doesn’t anyone think that disney and nintendo copied skylanders disney made the abomination disney infinity and nintendo made amiibo which loks horrible