Thanks to Pop Candy I found the Estelle Getty workout video remix. It is a riot.
Unfortunately I was unable to find this video anywhere on amazon so that you lovely people could rush right out and buy it. But you get the gist of the workout, grab some towels, cans of stewed prunes and get on ouot of that chair and work it baby. And watch out for Vanna Wipe. I swear that is what the woman says at the beginning. Hilarious.
Spent much of the day doing videos. So I took today’s photo of me working on editing the videos and my setup for the video editing. I am really enjoying using Adobe Premiere Elements. I am looking forward to upgrading to the next version.
For the most part I am happy to be doing these videos but it gets a bit tedious. The edits the rendering and just basically the repetition.
I didn’t get to the gym today. I’m going to start going to the gym in the mornings. I’ve got to get there much more often than I do now.
Just been so busy.
One Family's Adventures in the World