What is PPP up to?

I heard today that PayPerPost has acquired a company. Now the last time I heard this rumor things did not end up working out. I would hope that this time PayPerPost has purchased something very interesting and it will mean big things for us Posties. I know that Posties have some interesting ways to help drive traffic to the advertisers sites as well as to their own sites.

So the big announcement will be coming next week. I wonder if they acquired a social networking company, or something else equally interesting. Whatever it is it will be helping Posties and Advertisers alike. One of the exciting things about posting for PayPerPost is the energy and enthusiasm that it brings out in the Posties. I have seen people go from maintaining one blog to maintaining an entire network of blogs, generating their own brands. I myself have built three new blogs and purchased my own domain names. And this has much to do with working with PayPerPost. So the next big thing from them should be very interesting.

So what to you other Posties think? Did you take this opportunity too? If you did drop me a comment with a link to your blog and we can help to drive traffic to each other’s blogs. I know you have been visiting as I have been visiting your blogs too, so speak up by leaving a comment. I want to know what your theories are as well.

Tech: 1-800-GOOG-411

Today on my flight home from Oregon I learned about 1-800-GOOG-411 from Cali Lewis on GeekBrief.tv Brief #153.

I even used it today and it was super easy and fast. I was on my way back from the Airport and Allison wanted dinner from Fortune House. I didn’t have the number so I called 1-800-GOOG-411 and was connected and placing my order in about 30 seconds. So simple and totally free.

I swear that Cali has some of the best stuff online. If you are not watching her podcast then what are you waiting for? You can subscribe through iTunes. And you don’t need an iPod to watch you can watch through itunes or you can watch online at the GeekBrief.tv site as well as through Windows Media Player. There are no excuses for not being able to watch this podcast.