Buzzing around…

My friend Andy is a big fan of remote control toys. He has had a couple of different ones including a remote control tank that actually fires pellets. He also has a few different Remote Control Helicopters around the house. He’s flown them into the trees and roofs of the houses in the neighborhood. He’s gotten much better though and I think he’s starting to get the hang of it. It may be time for him to step up to a big time remote control helicopter.

Hobby Warehouse,com is a site where you can order many different remote controlled products including helicopters, and for Andy, replacement parts. As far as an outdoor activity to do, remote control airplanes and helicopters are a great way to spend some time outside. I wonder if I can get one of the helicopters with a camera on it so I can take remote aerial shots. That would be very cool.

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QCC Kayaks on sale

QCC Kayaks is a company that has American made kayaks of very high quality. I am trying to win one from has a sweepstakes from time to time where they give away some fantastic prizes.

But if I do not win there is always the $500.00 off sale at QCC Kayaks. The kayaks that they make are rather expensive but $500.00 makes the hit a little less intense.

If you are looking to get into kayaking and buying your first kayak you should take a look at the guide to buying a kayak that as been set up over at QCC Kayaks. I know that I should have looked into that back when I was starting out. I just picked one out and went paddling. I was lucky and I like my boat but I think it is time to upgrade soon.

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