Help for funding your dreams…

The other day I posted about a thought I had for starting a small business to have a mobile media center in a truck or van. I’d go directly to a client’s location to help produce podcasts, convert VCR tapes to DVDs and many other things. That is pretty much a pipe dream of mine, or so I thought. You see, there are people out there who are investors and they want to invest in new ideas. And you may very well be holding on to a great new idea for a business that would be a perfect match for an investor.

So if I wanted to get off the ground with my mobile media center idea I would first have to raise some capital. I could look to to submit my idea to investors in an effort to raise Venture Capital Funding from them. And the networking is done online so I am going to be able to reach a much wider audience than those folks in my own backyard.

If you want to start a business you need money, plain and simple. There are people who have the money, but not the time or desire or plan to put that money into an idea. Match the two people together and a very nice partnership can be formed. isn’t a place where you present your idea and sit back and wait for the money to arrive. Like any good idea you have to work hard, have passion and drive. And you need some tools to help you present that idea in a professional way. With the website you are going to be able to present your idea in a professional and polished manner, network with investors, discuss your goals and their goals and hopefully enter into a mutually beneficial partnership.

When you sign up for you can create a profile page that has more than just text, you can include photos, a video presentation and other media for the venture. And when you are done creating your profile and submit it, investors are alerted. These investors are people who are in the industry that you selected or who want to invest in that industry. Once matched up you can exchange contact information and the rest is up to you.

Do you have an idea worth funding. Then you should try to raise some capital to get that idea off the ground.

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So I’m a day late..

Yesterday was International Talk Like A Pirate day, one of my favorite days ever. I like it because of my affinity for Jimmy Buffett, Pirate movies and the uncontrollable desire to say, Yarr!.

This year I celebrated by wearing my eyepatch at work, watching the YouTube videos from the Pirate guys and sponsoring a contest on my blog The Benspark.

Allison and I are members of the Disney Movie Club and while it is pretty good for the most part we have accidentally had to buy movies. And I mean accidentally because somoene (me) doesn’t go to the website and deny the pick of the month. Well, a couple of months back Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Man’s Chest came to our house. We already owned it, in fact we bought it from Disney Movie Club the previous month. So it sat in our living room and it ended up staying with us. I want to give it away so I am sponsoring a contest over at The BenSpark to do that very thing.

You have until the 28th to enter the contest.

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