Making snacks for your trip…

I am a huge fan of any of those products that you see on infomercials. I have bought a number of them and for the most part they have worked very well for me. One of the products that I like is called the Magic Bullet. I even got my wife to register for it for our wedding. We’ve also given it as gifts to our friends.

We’ve used it a few times to make different dishes and I think we will use it even more to great easy nutritious things to eat on the go or on the water. Sometimes those as seen on tv products are some of the most useful gadgets.

With the Magic Bullet we can make things like guacamole or hummus for dips for when our friends come over. Rather than paying for expensive dips and whatnot and spending hours preparing those dips we can chop up everything and toss it into the Magic Bullet and after a few seconds we’ll have great tasting home made dips and guacamole. I’d also like to make some salsa as well.

Flying over the water…

I was reading on Gizmodo about a flying watercraft. It looks like a hovercraft with wings and instead of riding a cushion of air like hovercraft’s do it actually flies above the water at 1.5 meters. However it is still not classified as a flying machine because even though it looks like it is not riding on a cushion of air it really is. It is just a larger cushion.

The inventor is Rudy Heeman, a mechanic from New Zealand who has spent 11 years building the hoverwing. He’s taken it on a test flight across the water and it did end in a crash landing. The vehicle is not complete yet and it will be soon. Once it is complete he is going to take a passenger along for the ride. I think he should do a contest to see who would like to ride with him. I’d love to do it.