Tag Archives: Technology

Zevo Fly Catcher …

Zevo Fly Catcher
Photo-A-Day 2.0 #02006

We’ve been having a hell of a time with drain flies. We’ve been putting things down the drains to try and kill them but they just keep coming. So, on Monday before I left for the Cape I bought some ZEVO electric Fly traps. I came back for the weekend to work and checked the traps. This is the one from the basement. It has really been doing its job.

New Screen

new screen
Photo-A-Day 2.0 #01981

I decided that I need a second screen for working at home so I found this new screen on Amazon for $60. It connects to my laptop via a micro HDMI cable and usb c so it is very convenient. I’ll probably use to to have the alert monitor screen up as well as the group chat so that I don’t miss out on any messages or alerts. I’ll use the main screen for active work and stuff.

I was pretty knocked out most of the day today. I must have eaten something bad at work on Saturday and that caught up with me last night and has been in my system most of the day. I’m hoping that it clears up before class tomorrow.

I came back from the Cape early because I had to pick Eva up from school because she is in exams this week. Today was her second day of exams. She’s had four of them so far and two more left to go this week. So far she’s doing well with them.