Entrecard overload…

Don’t get me wrong I really love Entrecard and the traffic that has come my way from it. I have been doing the 300 a day drops each day for a couple of weeks and it has come back to me tenfold in visits from other Entrecard users. I have noticed something about what I do online. I get pulled into a site and do all that I can to find out the most about the use of a site or service and I write about it for a while and it becomes my online world for some time. This is what Entrecard has done to me this past month. But it is a bit difficult to drop 300 cards a day. There are many blogs that I frequent daily and they have such great posts that I stop and read them and there goes a few minutes, throughout the day that adds up.

This happened with Radar.net, FuelMyBlog and also Utterz. I have since incorporated those sites into my daily life (Radar.net not so much as Utterz totally dominates on the mobile blogging front.) I still write for Fuel, on occasion and I need to write up another post next Tuesday. I use Utterz each and every day to talk about my blog posts. I love how Utterz is so easy to use and I use it to publish to many different blogs.

I’d like to be able to put an Entrecard on each blog but right now it is a one card per e-mail address thing. The traffic that has been generated through Entrecard has been amazing and I’d like to see that happen to my other blogs as well.

I also like that many Entrecard droppers have taken to commenting on this blog and my daily photos. Thanks so much. I’ve actually moved into the top 10 today.


Free Website Counters…

It has been a while since I have displayed a counter on any of my blogs. I have links that display my PR, my RealRank and how many links are coming in to this site. But I don’t have a visible counter that allows me to see at a glance how many people have visited my blog. I could get a free web counter from easypoll.com, and in fact I signed up for one. Signup was very easy, just a name, e-mail address and a user password so you can create more. Then from there you can put in your website address and code will be generated to give you a free counter.

The counter comes with advertising, however you do not see it, there are no banners and no pop ups, but in the code there is a link to an advertiser. Seems like an okay trade to use this service and get statistics for your blog.

Here is an example of the counter.

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