Send me a Hawaii Chair, please…

Allison has been watching Ellen often and despite the writer’s strike Ellen is still giving us a great show to watch. The Ellen video I saw on Be A Good Dad. I had heard about this thing called the Hawaii chair on the Mad Gringo’s blog. The Hawaii chair is a chair that has a motor and swivels around as you sit. The infomercial is a riot and I think it is unintentional but then Ellen has guests sit on the chair and it is very very funny.

Here is the real infomercial.

I am posting this open letter to the company Perfect USA.

I would love to review this product. I work 8 hours a day in a chair and can provide amazing feedback on a daily basis on my many blogs. I need to lose weight and would gladly add this product to my regimen of sitting. I know of nothing else I could use to work out for an entire day while just sitting.

I think this would be a great chair to help kayakers too, do you see how much it swivels, you could strengthen your core abdominals as well as improve your balance. Simply amazing.

So Perfect USA if you’d like a review from a great sitter please contact me.

Dreaming of Dinner… PAD #1034


Dreaming of Dinner... PAD #1034

Allison and I have been fans of dream dinners for about 4 months now. She started going about 6 days before Eva was born. She has been twice and I have been twice. Tonight was an open house and tasting session fund raiser for the American Heart Association. We went over to try out some items and so I could take some photos.

Dream Dinners is an excellent store where you can go and create meals for your family, bring them home and freeze them. When you want a fast, easy and healthy home cooked meal for your family just take one out, defrost and follow the cooking instructions. Each month there are about 20 or so meals to choose from. You can place your order in the store or on the Internet. If you place the order in the store, say after you have just made your meals, you get a discount or other incentive.

Tonight we tried five different meals and a dessert. All were excellent.

Dream Dinners Aprons Dream Dinner accessories Dream Dinner delights

In all we have had excellent luck with the store. It is fun to go and assemble meals and when you are a guy doing it you get all sorts of special treatment. Probably because everyone is afraid you are gonna totally screw up. Thanks television and the ‘idiotic’ and ‘incompetent’ but lovable dad. I don’t get too offended by that sort of treatment, I like to see the looks on people’s faces when they see a competent and attentive husband and father for a change. I like to let my actions make my statements.

This is not to say that the women running the place look at me that way they are all very cool and so welcoming. I have a very good time going and making our monthly meals. We generally get 36-39 servings a month. That is about all we can hold in the freezer. Plus you have to order a minimum of 36 servings each month that you place orders (you don’t have to place them every month.)

Today also marks my inaugural guest blogger post on the IZEA blog. Please go take a look and leave a comment. The post is all about digital images and engaging your audience. Let me know what you think of the post. It is my first paid guest posting gig and I am very excited for the opportunity to show my stuff to another audience.

And I am still guest blogging over at FuelMyBlog. We aren’t going to be doing Tech Tuesdays anymore but rather, “Ask BenSpark”. It will start up on Monday. And if you are a member of Fuel you might want to head over there and get a free listing for one month on USA Today.

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