Documenting In My Journal

My Journal
Photo-A-Day #2156

I worked part of the day from home and while I was doing that Eva transformed. Eva was watching Tinkerbell and the Great Fairy Rescue on my iPad. In the movie there is a little girl that Tinkerbell met called Lizzie. Lizzie’s father is a scientist and Lizzie watches him and wants to impress him so she started a journal documenting the types of fairies. Eva decided that she would be Lizzie and she wanted a few things. She asked for a blank journal and a pen. She dressed up in a cute little sweater and basically wanted to be Lizzie all day. She was so cute.

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It Lives!

Photo-A-Day #2155

Today’s gadget is the Kodak PlayTouch digital Video Camera. I received this from Kodak a few months ago and have used it all over the place to make videos. It also takes great photos. I put the magnetic ring on the front of this camera as well so that I could use the magnetic lenses on it too. I’ll try out the wide angle on it tomorrow.

Continue reading It Lives!