Toy Review : Light up Pinwheels from Maui Toys

Maui Toys Flashing Pinwheels

The other day we received a couple of light up pinwheels from Maui Toys. One was a patriotic one in red, white and blue and the other was pink and purple. I would have loved to have had the red, white and blue one for the 4th of July and I think that Eva would have liked to have had it as well. She would have had fun as we watched the fireworks to be able to play with the light up flashing pinwheel in the breeze while on the beach. We’ll just have to remember that for next year. Continue reading Toy Review : Light up Pinwheels from Maui Toys

Our Fisher Cats Superfan

Photo-A-Day #2672

We went to a Fisher Cats game today. One of the guys at work organized the game. He’s also a fellow Saint A’s alum from my class. He took care of getting the group tickets for us.

The game was fun, unfortunately the Fisher Cats lost but we still had a nice time. Eva loved it. She was dancing, talking to the other kids around us and just loving her time at the ballpark. We played games and went to get snacks and also a fun souvenir. Eva picked a colorful baseball to bring home. She played with it while at the park and wants to take it everywhere, too.

On the way home from the game we stopped at my sister Shelby’s house. We had a nice dinner with Shelby and Tim. Andrew loved playing with Auntie Shelby and Eva was very cute. We had dinner and then Eva asked, “So, do you guys have dessert sometimes?” She’s so subtle.