Don’t Miss Out on the Last Giant Turkey Legs of the Season – King Richard’s Faire Tickets!

The Princesses

Last Monday morning I was finishing up work and saw that the Official King Richard’s Faire Facebook page posted a quick contest for three tickets. I knew the answer and answered. I won and I was also given two other pairs of tickets to give away. I work the weekends so I’m not going to be able to go to King Richard’s Faire again. So, I have three ticket packs to give away.

In the realm there are knights and princesses and more. Tell me your favorite Prince, Princess, Knight or Villain in the comments. I’ll randomly pick some winners.

Tickets are for October 20 & 21st only. that is the last possible weekend to attend.

This contest ends Monday at noon so that I can mail out the tickets to get to you in time to attend.

YesVideo Photo-A-Day Challenge – Day 12 – Decoration

Photo-A-Day #2744

On my desk I have tons of little toys that are basically decorations. Got a little Nano Speed firetruck and an Orc from the MegaBloks World of Warcraft series.

I really wanted to shoot a photo of my neighbor’s house because that is when decorations go bad. Two of the three porches look like a vomit combination of American, Army and Halloween threw up with about fifteen Satellite dishes, old fridges and more. It is horrendous but I don’t want to get caught photographing it and cause anything between me and the neighbors. I’d have to walk across the street from it to take the photograph. Continue reading YesVideo Photo-A-Day Challenge – Day 12 – Decoration