Motorcycle Lessons from Grandfather

Photo-A-Day #3001

The whole family finally got a trip to Larry Joe’s New England Firepit. Eva and Andrew split one dog and Allison and I each had one to ourselves. We were joined in our adventure by Uncle Mike. Allison saw him at Target and asked him if he wanted to join us for lunch. We had a delicious lunch and some survival tips from Larry Joe. It is always an adventure going there. Continue reading Motorcycle Lessons from Grandfather

Meeting Cousin Dylan

Photo-A-Day #3000

My baby sister just had a baby of her own. Eva and Andrew have a new baby cousin named Dylan. He’s a little over a week old and today was the first chance we had to go over and meet him. The kids were excited to meet Dylan. Eva because she loves babies and Dylan is so little and cute. Andrew was excited, but pretty much excited for mommy to put Dylan down. He was a bit jealous. He could have cared less when I held Dylan, though. It was nice for the kids to meet their new baby cousin and spend time with their Auntie Shelby.

I’m very proud to be an Uncle again, this time on my family’s side. I made sure to go out and Get Dylan his first Transformers. Of course it was Optimus Prime. I almost got him the War for Cybertron figure but then he’s have to wait many years to actually play with that one. I got him the Rescue Bots version so he only has to wait a few years to play with Prime.

We look forward to spending some time with Dylan on the Cape in a week or so for the 4th of July. Should be exciting in a few years as two little boys tear around the place. Hide your breakables Mom and Dad because these guys will test everything to see if it does break.

Oh and I hit a big milestone today with 3000 consecutive days of Photo-A-Day.