Tag Archives: Camera

My LEGO Camera

My LEGO Camera
Photo-A-Day 2.0 #01968

My Aunt and Uncle purchased me a LEGO camera for my 50th birthday. This was a LEGO creatives set and can be built into 3 different models. There was the Camera, Video camera and another option. I opted for the camera because it reminds me of the old Pentax that my Dad had and that I had learned on. It now sits on my desk as part of my display of fun things. It even has two rolls of “film” that you can put inside the camera. Very cute idea.

Fun with the Polaroid Cube+

Polaroid Cube Plus
Photo-A-Day #4382

I took the Polaroid Cube+ out for a spin today and I can already think of some fun applications for it. I’m thinking of how we can incorporate using it in Built From Bricks. It can certainly find the tight spots that I can’t get into with the full size camera. I like that it has a magnet on it and I can stick it anywhere. although I probably won’t be sticking it to rusty pipes anymore. I’m still pulling rust off the magnet.

Thanks again Mantripping.com for the fun Twitter Party.