Big Game Dinner

Photo-A-Day #3222

Today was the Big Game. It didn’t much matter to us since the Patriots were not in it however, Eva likes watching the games and so she was excited have appetizers for dinner and dinner in front of the TV. She was so excited about it that she invited my parents to come by and watch as well. I was only up and part of the festivities for about half an hour before I had to go to work. While I was there, however we watched the Puppy Bowl and had a nice time. I’m sure that the kids delighted my parents with there antics.

A Kickstarter Themed Loot Crate

Photo-A-Day #3221

Last week I suggested that Loot Crate create an 80’s cartoon themed crate. I was sitting at my desk this morning and looked at my Modibot figures and thought that there are so many cool things on Kickstarter that I’ve backed and I bet that other people would enjoy them as well. One of those things was Modibot. I looked at my Modibot figures and wondered if they would be able to hold up the Loot Crate box. With a few of them working together they certainly could.

I shot this with my Samsung NX300 camera as part of the Imagelogger program.