You Won’t Believe it!

Photo-A-Day #3286

My Samsung NX30 has a special mode on it called Silhouette mode. With it I can take some very cool photos with back-lit subjects. The kids were playing at the window at the top of the stairs together and I caught a bunch of shots. I loved this one the most because of the profiles of both kids and you can feel the excitement from Andrew as he tries to express something to Eva.

Review: Playmobil Fairies Sets

Eva's Got Two New Playmobil Sets to Play With

We received a couple of Playmobil Fairies sets to try out and review. Our opinions of these toys are 100% our own.

At Toy Fair I was able to tour the Playmobil Booth. Every Year Playmobil has a fantastic booth with a ton of new sets to see. This year a prevalent theme was Dragons. It is a good year for that since pretty much everything I saw around Toy Fair had something to do with Dragons or Dinosaurs. But when it came time to choose a set to review I choose Fairies. Sure I would have loved a couple of the new Dragons sets but who is ultimately going to be playing with the toys, Eva. Andrew is a bit too young to play with the toys but he is getting closer and eventually we’ll get him into some of them to play with because they are super durable and fun to play with. I will have to look through my old toys to see if I still have the cowboys and knights from when I was little. For now, I have a bunch of photos from our play session. Continue reading Review: Playmobil Fairies Sets