Sibling Day

Photo-A-Day #3289

Apparently today is Sibling Day. All over Facebook are photos of siblings. I love seeing my children enjoying spending time together. Today Eva and Andrew were playing in the back yard. They played this game where Eva trapped herself under a net while she shouted for Andrew to save her. He would run over and flip the net off of her and then she would hug him and thank him for saving her. Then they’d switch places.

Review: Green Toys Submarine Safe Seas Set

Green Toys Submarine Safe Seas Set

We received the Green Toys Submarine Safe Seas Set to try out and review. Opinions are 100% our own.

I’ve been a fan of Green Toys for a while. They have such basic high quality toys for kids that are simple and perfect for imaginative play. I received a Green Toys Tugboat at Toy Fair 2014 and now this Submarine. Bath time has gotten a lot more fun for Andrew. Eva enjoys them as well but for Andrew he’s had to play with all of his sister’s bath toys for a while now and he’s excited about some toys more his speed. I love them because you aren’t going to lose parts and if we wanted to we could take them along with us to the beach. Continue reading Review: Green Toys Submarine Safe Seas Set