Spring Day-cation to Buttonwood Park Zoo

Photo-A-Day #3303

Today was the last day of Eva’s Spring Break Vacation that we could do anything as a whole family. We decided to make a day of it starting with breakfast at bliss Bros. Dairy. We went for a light breakfast and we also packed a lighter fare lunch for our next stop which was the Buttonwood Park Zoo. Continue reading Spring Day-cation to Buttonwood Park Zoo

Book Review: Motor Dog

We were sent a copy of Motor Dog to read and review. Opinions are 100% our own.

For a little boy who doesn’t always sit still it is nice to find a book that has plenty of fast action to keep him interested. Motor Dog is that fast paced story filled with humor and heart. A young boy, Flip, decides that he wants a robot dog. What he gets is Motor Dog. Motor Dog is a robot but has the heart of man’s est friend and the instincts to match. Instincts like chasing cats. Of course Motor Dog doesn’t simply run on his legs he has a score of enhancements that he uses to get around and quickly.

I really enjoyed the story and it was fun to read to Andrew. He enjoyed seeing the actions of Motor Dog on each dynamic page. Continue reading Book Review: Motor Dog