Last Uniform Day of the Year

Photo-A-Day #3353

While Eva won’t graduate from Kindergarten until Tuesday, today was the last day that she needed to wear a uniform. I’ll certainly be taking some last day of Kindergarten photos but since she started the year in her uniform I figured I’d catch a photo of her in her uniform for the last time as a Kindergartner. I had to go back and see her on her very first day of Kindergarten, too. So much has changed in this past year. Most noticeably for me was that she was missing her two front teeth at the beginning of the year. She was reading picture books at the beginning of the year. Now she reads chapter books. She’s still an amazing, happy smart child who loves school and everything to do with school. We couldn’t be prouder of how she has done this year.

$25 Pottery Barn Kids Gift Card Giveaway

While I was in San Francisco for the PBS Annual Meeting the PBS Kids VIPS got to tour a local Pottery Barn Kids store. There we learned about the reading challenge as we kearned about making a warm and inviting book nook for the kids. We were also provided with two Pottery Barn kids gift cards valued at $25. One to keep and one for a giveaway. You may enter my giveaway by leaving a comment on this post. I’ll use to pick one comment from the list on Friday June 20 and send the gift card to the winner provided that they live in the United States. More about the reading initiative after the jump. Continue reading $25 Pottery Barn Kids Gift Card Giveaway