Crème Brûlée – #FoodieFriday from The Hundred-Foot Journey

While I absolutely hate bananas I do love Crème Brûlée. If you do like both then this is the recipe that you have to try for this Foodie Friday recipe from the upcoming movie The Hundred-Foot Journey. You can get a larger recipe by clicking on the recipe image below.

I learned that I’ll be taking a cooking lesson at Le Cordon Bleu while I in California to see the movie and interview the star Manish Dayal. I just hope that I’m not using bananas in the recipe since I’ll be eating what I cook. I’m sure whatever we make will be delicious and I’ll have plenty of photos.

Creme Brulee Recipe

Also, you may not be going to LA with me on the #100FootJourneyEvent but you could enter to win a trip for two to France in the #My100FootJourneySweeps. You can enter by clicking the image below to go to The Hundred-Foot Journey Facebook Page.

HFJ Sweeps Launch Card

Learn more about The Hundred-Foot Journey Movie below. Continue reading Crème Brûlée – #FoodieFriday from The Hundred-Foot Journey

Green Peppers are Growing

Photo-A-Day #3381

A few months ago I bought a Patio Picker and some seedlings at Lowe’s. I got two tomato plants and four pepper plants. We planted our seedlings and got them ready to go. For a while I was worried that they would not do well but then all of the plants took off. I had to put tomato cages on the tomato plants and we have seen some peppers on the pepper plants and some tomatoes as well. We’re looking forward to having these plants to eat as soon as they are ready. As long as animals don’t eat them and Andrew doesn’t go and pick them.

He’s tried.