Statue at La Salette Shrine

Photo-A-Day #3525

I took Andrew with me to the La Salette Shrine last night to look at the lights. I also wanted to check out how the NX1 performed with photos there. I did pretty well on most shots but will take the tripod next time for some more artistic ones and some that will take advantage of the amazing lights that they have. I have to find a night to go on my own though. I was itching to take a ride over there last night and probably should have but got very lazy because of the lack of sleep. Maybe next Monday will work out.

the night was a little bit of a guys’ night, though. Andrew and I went to Tex Barry’s to get some hot dogs before going to La Salette. Then when we came home I got him ready for bed and he fell asleep watching a movie on Sprout. I thought that was a good thing until he woke up a bunch throughout the night. We’ve got to get his sleep under control.

This Kid Has Style to Burn

Photo-A-Day #3524

I work all weekend and sleep on Mondays. Most weeks. Then there are the weeks when I am a complete idiot and make appointments smack dab in the middle of an otherwise sleep filled day. I still had the Buick Enclave for a loan and so I had to wait for the guys from Jersey to call me and let me know when they were picking it up. Surprise, it will be tomorrow. Okay no worries there. However I went and made a doctor’s appointment for the kids for noon, on a Monday. I must have not been thinking at all when I did that, but I did. I made that appointment during peak sleep time.

The kids were good for their appointment. Everything is going well with them. Eva is a perfect square at 49 inches and 49lbs. That is what the doctor said. So that was easy to remember. Andrew was in the 30s for both his numbers but I forget them exactly. He was being a nut the whole time and when I picked him up from the sitter he insisted upon wearing this hat. Then in the car he found Eva’s glasses and decided to wear those too. Mini fashion plate.